All Grown Up

Monday night, Sammy went from looking like a hobo child with no parents…

…to looking like a four year old.

And all it took was two suckers, one bandaid, two cutting devices, four hands, a million tears, and $12.

It was, in a word, awful. He’s going to need therapy. But he looks pretty cute, and strangers no longer tell him he needs a haircut.

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8 Replies to “All Grown Up”

  1. Emily, he is too adorable!! We’re heading out for haircuts this morning, and at almost 5, Alex is just now not screaming…

  2. Awwwe, he looks all grown up! It gets easier….LOL! Our secret weapon is the one thing I swore I would NEVER do – which is take the kids to a “kids” place with themed seats and movies they can watch. The catch is, we found one that offers $10 haircuts!! Of course Alex loves his hair long and won’t let us cut much of it, but that’s another story….

  3. I still have an aversion to haircuts. And paying $15 for the ordeal adds insult to injury.

  4. Our little slacker surfer dude is gone, but he’s still cute. His hair will probably get pretty long again before the next cut. I don’t see either of us chomping at the bit to do that again anytime soon. I love you, andy

  5. Donovan got his first hair cut at about 2 years of age, it was quite the ordeal! I have pictures! Of course he didn’t get one for about six years in Middle School and High School…I have picrues of that too!

    But, alas, all good things must come to an end…and he’s adopted the family hairstyle. Like he had a choice.

    You have an adorable kid there, and the cut is quite a + and may wind UP on Fashion Friday!!


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