Growing. Incessantly.

Every once in a while, I catch a glimpse of Sam and it’s almost like I don’t recognize him.

In my mind, he looks like this.

A little boy with a bowling ball for a head. There were times we’d worry that he would actually never develop a neck.

But I must have blinked or something, because now he looks like this.

His face thinned out and his features turning sharper. He looks so old. I’ve learned from his sister, though, that even though he looks to me like he is so grown up at four, he’ll keep growing and before long I’ll be looking back wistfully at the little four year old I once knew… who is now a teenage boy.

Um, now that I think about it, a teenage boy does not seem that appealing. I’d like to keep my sweet four year old, if that’s cool. Remind me again where the pause button is?

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6 Replies to “Growing. Incessantly.”

  1. I have a 3 1/2 year old Sam, who also had that round head and grew up into the most handsome 3 1/2 year old! I would love to pause time and keep him this way – maybe it’s something with the name! 🙂 If you figure it out, please let me know!

    Love reading your blog, thanks!

  2. Oh my gosh I miss that bowling ball head!!! He is so cute in all his forms. But like all boys, he will take a hiatus from cute at some point…ergh. Not looking forward to that stage myself! At. All.

  3. Oh and today Jonah is totally wearing an “I’m still a baby” outfit as opposed to all those jeans and long-sleeve shirts I’ve been putting him in, and I *love* it. HE’S A BABY DANGIT!

  4. My Sam turns 14 next week…and he’s great! So far, the teens have been my favorite years. Maybe the bad’s still coming…

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