School Days

This week, Sammy started at a new daycare. He’s been in an in-home daycare setting since he was about four months old, and while it was a great situation for him, we thought he was ready to hit the big leagues. That, and a spot opened up for him, which is always an important consideration when determining “readiness.”

The new daycare is located where I work, which is about 40 minutes from our house. So, I have a new carpool buddy!

I was a little concerned about having him in the car for so long every day, but we have had so much fun going to and from his new “preschool.” He is a chatty little thing, and I love hearing him talk and sing songs. I love picking him up – my favorite part of the day is when he runs up to me when I get there – and it’s great to talk to his teachers and hear about his day. Yesterday they were cracking up because he was talking about football and told them “The Bengals are really struggling.” It’s wonderful to have an extra hour and a half with him each day!

It’s only been a few days, and while I’m sure the novelty will wear off to some degree, he is absolutely loving it so far. And so am I!

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7 Replies to “School Days”

  1. “The Bengals are really struggling?” Poor Sam…has anyone told him it’s always this way? Don’t want him to have to have Bengals-induced emotional therapy one day!

  2. My daughter went to daycare at my work for about 2 years. I did really enjoy getting to commute with her. Though, in DC traffic, it was a very long commute most days. I do miss getting to spend that time with her.

  3. He will be a favorite among the teachers. Even though the kids are all wonderful, there are always some who really pull on your heartstrings. Sam is one of those!

  4. You can tell Sammy that my husband is a HUGE Bengals fan, too. “Struggling” is a vast understatement, and he should get used to the disappointment. At least he said “The Bengals” and didn’t say “‘we’ are struggling.” I didn’t know until after I was married that I joined the team after our sacred vows.

  5. That is awesome!! The Ben-gals however is a whole different thing!! HA! Can ya tell we are a Brown’s family?!

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