The End of an Era

Two and a half years ago, Sam started going to daycare around the corner from my office.

Since then, we’ve traveled many, many miles together. 42,000 of them, according to my rough estimation.

Tomorrow is our last commute. He’ll be home for the summer with Andy and then he’ll start kindergarten in the fall.

I am heartbroken.

Having him around the corner meant I could stop and check on him after a rough drop-off in the morning, eat lunch prepared by a hoard of three year olds, and watch him ice skate for the first time.

It meant that I was the one he ran to at the end of the day. It meant he and I had an hour and a half of uninterrupted one-on-one time every day.

I am going to miss him so much.

photo (25)

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3 Replies to “The End of an Era”

  1. Geez cousin, now I am sad. THANKS A LOT! But just think of all the stuff you can buy me now that you don’t have to pay for daycare anymore!!

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