Weird Weekend

This weekend, our family is going to be flung all over the midwest.

Kate’s spending the weekend with Aunt Anna at church camp. Anna wants to indoctrinate these kids into camp at an early age! I am really excited for them both and I know they’re going to have a great time. I can only hope Kate comes back from camp with a pine tree tattooed on her back like Anna did one summer.

Andy and my dad are spending the weekend in Chicago, on their annual baseball weekend trip. I can only hope they don’t come back with anything tattooed anywhere.

So, that means I get to spend the weekend with this guy.

And I am pretty excited about it.

I’ve been trying to think up fun things we could do, just the two of us. All Sam has requested is that we go to “Chick-a-lay.” I’m thinking we may stop at Cosi – I loved it as a kid but haven’t been for many years. I’ve never really taken Sam anywhere like that, just the two of us, and I think it would be fun. Besides – we’re going to need to do something to break up the 5-hour car ride we’ve got in store with us that day! I think we might go to the zoo on Sunday, as well.

Either that, or we’ll stay home and play super heroes. Regardless, opportunities like this don’t come along very often, and whether he’ll remember a weekend with his mom to himself years from now, I know I will.

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4 Replies to “Weird Weekend”

  1. I went to church camp EVERY summer for the first 17 years of my life. It was ‘summer vacation’ in the eyes of my dad…we disagreed on this…I wanted Disneyland, Florida Beaches, Civil War Battlefields, but nooooooooooooooo, church camp!

    Not a fan!


  2. Cracking up…Anna, I am proud that you have a tattoo, I on the other hand don’t…scares me to death!
    If your dad and Andy DO get a tattoo…I want pictures!!!

    Enjoy that Boy!! Take pictures so you can remind him!! 🙂

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