I needed a break from potty training…

So I went to Rite Aid.  Look, one can only stare at their kid’s gen-uh-tail-ya looking for signs of pee-pee for so long before one goes totally flippin’ crazy.  SO – about 3:45 today I slapped a pull-up on that butt and we went to Rite Aid. (She stayed dry while we were out, BTW.)

Here’s what we got!

Rite Aid, paid $10.28 will get back $10 rebate and got 3 +UP rewards

Coppertone (25% more free!) Spray $8.99
Benadryl $5.49 ($4.94 for me b/c of my 10% wellness + discount)
Herbal Essences $2.49
2 Gillette Satin Care clearance $2.98
Huggies $8.99
2 kids Style Science sunglasses (BOGO 50% off) $11.98
total =$40.37

Coupons I used:
$5/$25 Rite Aid Video Values for watching wellness + video
$3 off Coppertone Rite Aid Video Values q
$2 off Benadryl Rite Aid in-ad coupon
$1 off Benadryl manufacturer’s q from insert a while back
FREE Huggies voucher I got from previous Rite Aid rebate -$8.99
Two $4 off Style Science Rite Aid Video Values q’s -$8
$2 +UP rewards from buying coppertone earlier in the week
$1 Herbal Essences manu q from recent insert
Two .55 off Gillette Satin Care q’s from recent P&G – $1.10
Total = $8.28 + $2.48 tax = $10.76. Will get back $10 Single Check Rebate for the sunglasses, and got $2 +UP rewards for Coppertone and $1 +UP rewards for the Huggies, so a PROFIT of $2.24 on this trip!! 🙂
Not bad for a stress-reliever!

Oh, and I should add that the Benadryl counts toward the Rite Aid Allergy Rewards program and the Coppertone counts toward the Skin Care rebate (#555) that I am working on!

P.S. my store lets you use more than video values q per transaction – so, 2 sunglasses, 2 coupons.  Not all stores do this. Nobody freak out if yours doesn’t!

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3 Replies to “I needed a break from potty training…”

  1. I’m here to commiserate about the horribleness of potty training. My so-called potty trained daughter had THREE accidents today – including one in her CAR SEAT!!!

    Hang in there. Right? We should hang in there, right??? 🙂

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