Deep Purple Shame

Since Emily posted her shame on the internetz yesterday for the whole wide webz to see, I thought I’d reciprocate with a little shame of my own.  You see…

I love you, you love me, and Sophie loves this guy:

I really don’t know how it happened.  Ok, well, yes I do.  It happened because the child can expertly navigate a Netflix menu and I was having one of those days when I needed a Mountain Dew and a Cadbury Creme Egg and I wasn’t as vigilant on my annoying show policing as I should have been.

And now, Sophie is completely enamored of Barney.  They are like, BFF.  She thinks he is super-dee-duper, and she feels the same way about those other dinorsaurs he hangs with, including the creepy orange one.  AND!  She knows all the kids names from every episode.  She has also taken to asking to be able to search Netflix to see if there are any new Barney’s she hasn’t memorized yet.

Barney-mania has really gotten out of hand, but here’s the really shameful part.

I don’t care that much.

She is learning lots from the songs, and it’s so cute to hear her singing them! SO CUTE.

So as long as I keep my distance from the TV, don’t listen when Barney’s talking, and don’t look directly at the tv and see the high-waisted pants all the kids are dressed in, it’s not too bad.

And I’ll be honest, I would rather Soph be obsessed with ye olde purple dinosaur than with the whiny bald guy ANY DAY!

Because this guy (who is also on Netflix):

makes me want to gouge out my eardrums.

And I am not ashamed to admit that at ALL!

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11 Replies to “Deep Purple Shame”

  1. My daughter LOVES Caillou. Well, not so much anymore, but a few months ago, we had to keep some episodes on the DVR in order for her to watch on demand, otherwise she would have a fit if it wasn’t on tv for her. And don’t even get my started on how many times we had to watch the Holiday movie. Ugh, Thankfully she has since then discovered many more less annoying shows. And it seems like the Caillou era has ended. Whew. He’s so whiny, it makes me want to drill a hole in my head just so that I don’t have to hear him.

  2. Molly watches Caillou every morning while her parents are showering, running around the house like chickens and various other awesome things. Colin calls it the chemo kid show, which shows you how my children will have to get sarcasm early. Barney was banned in our house, but my mother is all about it at hers. Ugh.

  3. My kids watched Caillou for a while, lucky me they have moved on to Sponge Bob. Hang in there hopefully its just a phase.

  4. My 3 year old is OBSSESSED with Veggie Tales and Thomas the Tank Engine. He can tell you most Veggie movies and sing ALOT of their songs but the crowning glory is when he dropped a toy and said “bust my buffers” from Thomas.

  5. My daughter is in love with Bubble Guppies. Sadly, I have to admit I love it! The songs are catchy and I think it’s an adorable little show! My husband lets her watch Spongebob, though. I HATE THAT SHOW. She knows not to even ask to watch it if I’m around!

  6. We’ve been able to avoid Barney, though I think she’s seen it at school. My husband won’t allow it in the house. We went through a big Caillou phase. But now we have an “only one episode of Caillou a day” rule because otherwise we have one whiny preschooler on our hands. I don’t really get it- I don’t find Caillou whiny per se, but he sure does make kids whiny.

  7. I can handle Barney. Much like you, I just try hard to be busy doing other things while it’s on. But I cannot stand Caillioiu or Sid the Science Kid. Both shows are banned in my house. I use my parental power judiciously, but darn it, there are some things that just make Mommy want to slit her wrists…and that’s where I draw the line!

  8. OH Calliou How I loathe thee but alas my 3 year old daughter LOVES LOVES LOVES him. The newer episodes aren’t too bad, but the older ones he is such a brat and drives me nuts and that is all she ever wants to watch =(

  9. When Donovan, your only male cuz, was about 8, we took 12 or 14 kids to the Malibu go-kart race place in Atlanta. All the cars were filled UP except the Barney car.

    One of his buddies looked at me and said, “Barney sucks!”.

    I gave him extra ice cream, because I agree!


  10. I CAN NOT STAND BARNEY!!! Josie very rarely watches THANK HEAVENS! Sid the Science Kid I like..but really she would rather read then sit and watch TV, although if you let her know Hannah Montana is on she is right there in a heartbeat…where did all the good cartoons go. ie. scooby doo, smurfs, fraggle rock, ect…

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