

Last week on vacation I did something I didn’t even know I could do. I fell in love with my daughter all over again.

Sophie will be three in November, and she has both enthralled and confounded me for much of her life. She is just so different from her easygoing brother, and really, so different in personality from most kids I know. She has tried my patience, stretched my mothering skills, and made my heart burst with pride.

sunshine girl

Sophie has been slower to develop her language skills than Joshua was, and that has been frustrating for all of us. But this last week on vacation, she really started to talk more. And I love her little voice! I love what she has to say. Since she’s no longer frustrated by being unable to communicate, she’s showing a whole new layer of sweetness.

And, oh, it’s so amazing. Being able to talk with my daughter has brought me so much joy. And I am just overwhelmed by it.


I often joke with my friends that I “talk smack” about Sophie – because she has given me some very trying moments. Plenty of which I have read about on this blog. And yesterday, when she was throwing fits at the pool, I may or may not have told Cortney that I was going to look into boarding school for three-year-olds. BUT. Let me set the record straight: I am hopelessly in love with this little girl, and abundantly blessed with the task of being her mama.

Love you Sophie girl.

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9 Replies to “Enamored”

  1. I too have one like Sophie. Her name is Olivia. I always say that I wasn’t really a parent until she came into my life. Her older sister was just too easy that I wasn’t parenting her I was just playing. But, when you have the second born child you quickly learn that you know nothing about being a parent and have to start all over! It’s quite a ride! Have fun!

  2. Great post. I often wonder what trials and tribulations I gave my parents growing up. My sister and I are so different – I wish I could peak into my parents brain from back then.

  3. What a sweet post about your little girl! She is beautiful, and so photogenic. My youngest, Claire, sounds a lot like your Sophie. I always say she gonna take on the world.

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