Frantic about Five

In 23 days, this little girl will  be five.

FIVE. Years old.

I can hardly believe it.  And, it totally freaks me out.  For a long time, I thought she would always be my baby. Not just because she’s my kid, but because I thought she’d be my last. So, Jonah changed all that, but I still feel very reluctant for Sophie to get so old. I’m having a hard time letting her get there.

Sophie’s developmental delays have necessitated that she and I spend a lot (and I mean A.LOT. ) of time one-on-one.  (And I don’t want to brag but a certain almost-five-year-old scored “advanced” on the school readiness test they gave her in September at preschool. WHAT UP!?) And so over the past 13 months or so we’ve grown super-tight.  No one can melt my heart quicker or make my blood boil faster than my Sophie can.  And I think if an almost-five-year old could express such sentiments, she’d say the same about me.  We bring out the best and the fiercest in each other.

She’s had a banner year and I am SO proud of her.  But I still want her to stay four for at least another six months!

FIVE? My heart can’t take it!

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8 Replies to “Frantic about Five”

  1. Five was a hard one for me… that pretty much signals the end of any babyhood you might have been clinging to.

  2. You have really made great changes in her. My hat is off to both you and Bobby. Don’t give up. She still needs you. You will love here as much when she is 34 as when she was 5. Trust me on that one.

  3. Avery has been 5 for six days and it has been completely freaking me out. All of a sudden I look at her and see how huge she is. I still refer to her as baby A, but I really shouldn’t … there is no baby/toddler left in her! I just can’t believe it and I don’t like it.

  4. My daughters are turning 5 in a few months and I’m already starting to have anxiety. For some reason, 5 is just “one of those ages” that really is a huge milestone. It’s like they suddenly go from being little toddlers to being big kids who are heading off into the world of school. If we all feel this way about 5, imagine how 10, 16, 21, etc. will all feel! : )

    Also, as an early childhood teacher, I have to tell you that you’ve done an incredible job working with Sophie. She’s so lucky to have such loving, proactive parents who will do anything to help her be successful…sadly, not all kids are that lucky. Keep up your great work with her. Even on days when you can’t see it, it’s all paying off and helping be the best she can be!

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