Mean Girls, Preschool Edition

As I have mentioned before, Sophie looooves school. She loves being there, loves her friends, her teachers, and all their activities.  She was ALL excited to go back after summer break. She loves school so much that she was none too pleased when I kept her home Tuesday because she had a cold.

So imagine my surprise yesterday when I picked up my happy girl from school, before we had even made it halfway down the sidewalk, she said, “Mom, guess what?  I got a time out.”  I was shocked! First of all, I didn’t even know they gave time outs in her class, but I guess they have to do something when the kids misbehave.  And secondly, I couldn’t believe my little angel had been the misbehaver!

“Why did you get a time out?” I asked her.

“Because I pushed Ashley off the computer.”

My jaw dropped. Now I was really aghast.  ‘You PUSHED ASHLEY??”

She then proceeded to confess the whole story.  They have a computer center in their class and Sophie got a little impatient when Ashley didn’t immediately vacate that center when her turn was up.  So she resorted to violence. What can I say, the girl loves her some computer!  All kidding aside though, I was pretty flummoxed.  That’s just not like Soph and she looooooves Ashley. Ashley and Julio were the first two friends she mentioned when she started this school last fall, and her affection for Ashley had not waned.

Fortunately, my little brute expressed the appropriate remorse, and we talked ad nauseum about how she should handle such situations in the future.  And then, I made her write an apology note:

I’m sure Ashley will cherish it for-ev-er. It’s like the preschool version of a yearbook signature. Today it’s “I’m sorry I pushed you”, tomorrow it’s “LYLAS, never change, have a great summer”.
Or, if I fail terribly at mothering, “Get your @$$ out of my chair before I CUT you!”

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5 Replies to “Mean Girls, Preschool Edition”

  1. I would LOVE to have seen this whole thing go down. It’s too bad it wasn’t caught on tape – I’m sure it would go viral!

  2. Love that you had her write an apology note.

    My kids brought home their year books at the end of the school year and all their friends were writing, “HAGS!” My kids had to decode that for me: Have a great summer! (:

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