Very So

very so

When Joshua was little, there were a few words and phrases he said that were incorrect, but sooo cute, that we wanted to perpetuate them for as long as possible.  So, um, he possibly thought that the word huge was pronounced fuge until he was 5.  And Bobby and I *might* just still say it that way.  (It’s so funny! I swear!)

Since Sophie was speech delayed, we were more focused on her using words correctly for a long time, and are just now to the place where we can get giggly about some of her funny phrases.  Since she also has a not-at-all-delayed flair for the dramatic (wonder where she got that), one of her favorite phrases is “Very so”.  As in, “I’m very so sad, I’m very so scared, I’m very so pretty, I very so want to play ‘Pretty Pretty Princess.'”

So now it’s not at all uncommon for you to hear me say, “I’m very so tired” or for Bobby to say, “I very so don’t want the weekend to be over” or even for Joshua to say “I very so want to play Wii”.

Because when our Sophie says it, it’s very so cute.

And we all very so love to hear her say it!

What cute things did your kiddos say that you wished they’d never stop saying?

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24 Replies to “Very So”

  1. Shelby would say “ozmost” for almost. As in, Burger King is ozmost done.

    We all still do.

    Donovan called every restaurant “the dinner store”.

    We all still do.


  2. For Molly many=seven. When she rote counts it goes like this, 1,2,3,4,5,6,many,8,9,10. It’s adorable, but we’re working on getting her to stop.

  3. My word, she’s beautiful.

    Kate always said “callapitter” instead of “caterpillar,” and we perpetuated it so much that she still doesn’t know which is the right way to say it.

  4. My four year old Payten always says ‘I love you behind my back’ & reaches her arms out wide as far as she can. She can love me upside down & sideways & you won’t here me correcting it! =)

  5. Very so cute!

    My 6 yo says “trildren” instead of “children”.
    My 4 yo adds an -ed or twi to anything past tense. “I runneded.” “I ated.” “I readed.”
    They both say “yosed” instead of “used”.
    And 2 yo just started saying “I toot” which doesnt mean what you think it means. He’s actually saying “I’m cute.”

  6. My daughter used to call her monkey backpack a “mackmack.” Everyone in my family now calls backpacks mackmacks. I think her cousins are really embarrased when their mom yells out “you forgot your mackmack” at school but my SIL can’t stop. lol!
    Another one is my nephew used to say aminals instead of animals and I still use that one a lot.
    Or my daughter, Olivia, called herself “yaya” for a long time but now you will get scolded if you call her that. “i’m NOT yaya, I’m Olivia.”
    I couldn’t probably go on for awhile with examples, but I’ll stop now.

  7. My grown daughter used to say Yew Nork City. We tried to correct it, to no avail. We said it too, then. Then, one day at around age 5, Allie goes to Yew Nork City with a family friend and her kids (who were from NY) and she came home and said that we all said it wrong! “It’s not Yew Nork city, mom. It’s just the city!” Which made us sad because we live within the metropolitan area and all call NYC ‘the city.’
    And now, she plays shows in ‘the city’ all the time! She still loves it like she did at 4, when we took her to see Annie on Broadway. Her request for her birthday. What 4YO asks to see a Broadway show? Yup. I should have known then….

  8. Courtney drops her r’s all the time, so she sounds like she should live near Harvard. Everyone comments on her accent. I don’t know how she got her East Coast flair, but it’s super cute!

  9. Daniel would say, “balamama” instead of banana. We have been teaching Sarah to ask for things using “May I please have” but she sometimes adds that to other questions in a way that makes it cute, like: The other day she was trying to tell me to “put this away” and we were telling her to ask or say please but it ended up being: “May I please have put this away?”

  10. My daughter would say “sangwich” as in Can I have a sangwich for lunch? I let her say it for as long as possible! My son would say “I’m starvin stirsty” – I’m starving thirsty. We still say that around the house all the time! luv your blog!

  11. When Megan didn’t like something, she used to say “I can’t like it!!” or “I can’t want it!” Over a year later, we still say it. Hilarious!

  12. Our daughter used to call our pug Maggie a “plug”, and the carousel at the mall a “parent sail”. So precious – they get too big and learn way too fast!

  13. My 3 1/2 year old says, “magich” for magic. She’ll ask for her “magich wand” or point out those “magich stars!” She used to say wah-wah for water and hangaber for hamburger. Those are just a few from the top of my head- I should write this down for later……… 🙂

  14. We went to visit preschools a couple months ago to figure out which one Mason will go to in the fall. Since then he asks when he starts “pretty school”!!
    And when he doesn’t like something, he also says “I can’t like it”! and his Daddy and I say it all the time.
    Kids are entertaining!

  15. Both of my 2 year old twins say “Wa Wa” when they want water or anything else to drink! So cute!

    Hugs and Mocha,

  16. Lukas (when he was about 2) used to ask for a ‘foofill” (a refill) on his milk. And now that he is almost 4 we all still say it that way.


  18. Man…love the post and pic!!

    Josie, at age 5, still says lem n lem’s for M&M’s we have tried correcting her…but half the time we end up saying it! And yogret for yogurt…it cracks me up! But at least she says please and thank you! HA!

  19. cute post with great comments! I can’t decide which I like more from my 2.5 year old, the hilarious “chicken nugg-nuts” or the common usage, “lotsome” (ie, “You read me lotsome books” or “My want lotsome cheese crackers”). I’ve been cracking up at how he’s been saying McDonald’s lately, but I haven’t been able to quite catch how he’s doing it wrong so that I can replicate it. I love little kids and their developing language!

  20. She is a cutie.

    Andon calls all bowls a bucket. So he says “can you put some chips in a bucket for me”

  21. My youngest pronounces grandma bramma for a really long time. and reading it does not do justice to how he enunciated it. It was adorable.

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