The Return of Coupon Mojo

My malaise of the past couple months and a serious lack of good sales at CVS and grocery stores has kept me from posting about my shopping excursions. There were very few to post about anyways! Mostly we were just running to the store for necessities. Until this week, it had been a looong time since I made a major grocery trip. But inspired by the fact that I was feeling better and by the Mega-Event sale at Kroger, I braved Kroger with BOTH KIDS and made a big shopping trip this week! I did great, getting a whole bunch of groceries for $54, and I got a $3.50 coupon back to use on my next order. So, later in the week I decided to go back and stock up on more Mega-Event sale items for us to take on our family vacation in a couple weeks. Here’s what I got:


All this, including the pot roast and pork chops, (which were on markdown – HOLLA!) I got for $20.96, thanks in part to another $3.50 off coupon I bought for buying the fruit snacks. The fruit snacks, cereal, and peanut butter were the 10 mega-event sale items that earned me an extra $3 off my order. Of course I had coupons for most of those items. The pop was for my hubby – it was $11 for five 12-packs.

All in all we were REALLY pleased with our grocery trip! Hope you all did well too! For more great savings, visit Shopping Superstars at the Thrifty Mama and Super Savings Saturday at Money Saving Mom!

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