Twove in a Twelevator – the Elevator 13 Story


After the most fun dinner EVAH at BlissDom09 Saturday night, our big happy fun group headed back to the Hotel Preston. I was about to get on the elevator when someone (I’m not sayin’ this whole thing is her fault, I am just sayin’…) asked me something in the lobby and I stepped back quickly from the doors – unfortunately causing a couple of other people (including Cortney) to miss the elevator.

I quickly finished my conversation and a bunch of us who had been at the most fun dinner EVAH caught the next elevator, which already had a few people coming up from the lower level. All in all, 13 of shiny, happy bloggers packed in the elevator.

And when it jerked really hard and stopped two seconds later, all 13 of us shiny, freaked-out bloggers screamed in unison!

We were stopped just above the first floor, so we hadn’t gone far, but in that two seconds it got HOT in there, and I totally started to freak out. You see, I’d been stuck in a small elevator with about 11 people when I was 17, and I’ve been terrified of a repeat elevator incident ever since. It made me into the claustrophobic I am today.

So anyways, as soon as that elevator stopped I was on the road to panicville. But I managed to stave off my initial panic for about a minute. UNTIL Heather pushed the call button to call the front desk and alert them that there were 13 of us trapped in their elevator AND NO ONE ANSWERED!!!!!!!!

That’s right, no one picked up. Then I REALLY started to freak. I knew we weren’t high enough above the ground to be in any grave danger, but when no one answered the front desk phone, and since it was about 90 bazillion degrees in there, I was fairly certain we were going to suffocate.

That’s when all those brilliant social media mavens in the elevator starting twittering from their cell phones to let people know we were trapped. Thank the Lord for the Twitter community! They were able to get word to the front desk that we were trapped. The tweeps even started a hashtag for us – #elevator! Soon the elevator phone rang and the front desk told us help was on the way. I calmed down for a little bit. I took some pictures, even. I was really trying to be brave.

pretending to be brave w/ the Queen of Shake Shake

Putting on a Brave Face with the Queen of Shake Shake

But after a few minutes went by with NO updates from the front desk, or any reassurance whatsoever, I couldn’t fight the panic anymore. I felt like I couldn’t breathe! I carefully slid down to the floor. I was so ashamed. I didn’t want to be the one who LOST IT.

But within a few seconds, I wasn’t the only one on the floor. My friend Dawn had hunkered down beside me. She started talking to me to try and distract me. She had me show her all the pictures on my digital camera – there were a couple hundred at least – and had me explain each one to her. She was amazing. Amazing!! I truly cannot explain to you how grateful I am to her. If she hadn’t been there, I am sure I would have been hyperventilating uncontrollably and might’ve even passed out. But Dawn really kept me as calm as possible. She was my angel! Therefore, I have christened her the Elevator Angel!

angeldawn copy

While Dawn and I were on the floor, impatience grew in the elevator. We were very nervous about the lack of updates. Someone called the front desk, and the girl there just told us they’d called the repair man. The repair man? How about the freaking fire department?? We had two panickers (Heather was also having a hard time, however, I heard her say that my panic was helping her because feeling sorry for me was a distraction for her. Heh. Happy to help!) and a pregnant woman in the elevator and we have to wait in the stifling hot elevator while the repair man fights Saturday Night Nashville traffic?? What the CRAP!!??

Finally, finally, FINALLY they told us he was there. Twitterers were telling those with their phones also, that help had arrived. We started feeling bumps and hearing noises and FINALLY those doors flew open and with a rush of cool air the Elevator Thirteen FLEW OUT of there! We were in that elevator for almost FORTY-FIVE MINUTES!!!

There were cheers from our bloggy friends who had gathered to welcome us out of the elevator. But guess who WASN’T there to greet us? A single staff person from the Hotel Preston. Not ONE concerned manager or even concerned PEON employed there greeted us to make sure that their GUESTS were ok. As I mentioned before, if Dawn hadn’t helped me through my panic, I probably would’ve needed medical attention. But apparently, the Hotel Preston staff didn’t give a crap about that, despite the fact that they had been informed by us that we had a prego in the elevator and two panic attacks going on.

Needless to say, I am not impressed with the “customer service” we got that night.

I was thrilled to be out of the elevator, and really embarrassed at my panic performance. I didn’t even cry until I got off the elevator, but as soon as we were out I let it flow. Andrea was there to greet us, and she walked up the nine flights of stairs with Cortney and me, who were not about to get back on the elevator. It was a killer to walk up those stairs but it was totally worth it!

So, what’s the moral of the story? Set your cell phone up for Twitter if you haven’t already, read the max. occupancy sign (oops…7…but we were NOT over the weight limit!) before you get on the elevator, and if you work at a hotel, give a crap about your guests, PARTICULARLY when they are bloggers, or you just might end up with some BAD PRESS on the INTERNETZ. Oh yeah, and if you ever meet this girl angeldawn copy make friends with her! She’ll probably save your life one day!

And now for the BlissDom09 #elevator 13 blogroll:

Jennifer, PlayGroups Are No Place for Children
Victoria, Vdog + Little Man
Heather – The Spohrs Are Multiplying
* Heather’s Post
Heather – The Queen of Shake Shake
* Heather’s Post
Emily – DesignHer Momma
* Emily’s Post
Amy – Amy in Ohio
Hebba – JeepGirl17
* Hebba’s post
Shannan – Mommy Bits
* Shannan’s post
Ali (our prego!)- Blessed Treehouse
Sandy – Organize with Sandy
* Sandy’s Post WITH VIDEO!!
Me- of course!
Dawn – Kaiser Alex
* Dawn’s Post
Cortney – Once A Month Mom
(Cortney and I have known each other since 5th grade. If you had been at the MOST FUN DINNER EVER you would have heard that this is not the *first* landmark moment we have shared in our lives. Snicker snicker!)

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Blowin’ Town!!!

By the time you read this my friends, Emily and I (along with my BFF Luanne) will be headed down the road to NASHVILLE (or NashVegas, as I prefer to call it) on our way to BLISSDOM ’09, hosted by Blissfully Domestic and One2One Network. We are so excited to learn some great things to help us become better bloggers and to meet (and see again) some of our favorite bloggy friends. So stay tuned for millions of fun pics and tales from the road as Em and I prepare to deliver a tag-team knockout and pretty much have the BEST WEEKEND EVER!

See ya on the flip side!!

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Laurin and Jenny Talk

So my statuesque, beautiful, glamorous pal Laurin of Laurin and Kelly talk was interviewed by the famous Avitable on her blog the other day. The interview cracked me up and since I love to talk about myself, I left a comment telling Laurin she could interview moi. I did this once before waaay back in the dark ages soon after Em and I started this blog and it was way fun. So, here are Laurin’s questions and my answers.

1. How long have you been addicted to CVS and how did it begin?
Seriously Laurin, have you never read this blog? I said like 4,000 times in November that it was my one-year anniversary of CVSing. GAH! I am so offended. But anyhoo, it began when I found the blog Money Saving Mom and followed her CVSing tips. It quickly escalated when the tips WORKED and I began walking out of CVS paying less than $1 for $30 worth of stuff!

2. Who are you most looking forward to meeting for the first time at Blissdom 09?
Well, since I’ve already met YOU at BlissDom08, I’d have to say Rachel of A Southern Fairytale. I love that girl so much! I want to hug her until she pushes me off for like five minutes straight! (I do want to get a picture with you though, ok? But since you are 8 freaking inches taller than I am, you will need to be seated for said photo. Kthx.)

3. Just wondering how you wish to addressed at Blissdom. Her Royal Stylishness? Madame Editor? You’re a funny girl – come up with an amusing “title” for yourself!
How about Her Serene Dorkishness? Fer real. I am like Queen of the Nerds. I just play fashionable on the interwebz.

4. Even though you’re a fancy schmancy Style Editor, you must have had a bad fashion period in high school or college. Do tell, or better yet, give us the photographic evidence!
College was not a good fashion period for me. I wore jeans & sweatshirts pretty much the whole time. And I owned and wore a pair of black pants with a rainbow stripe down the side. AND I thought they were cool. Sorry, though no pictures! It would take me quite a while to dig one up and I am just too lazy. Not ashamed, just lazy. We all know I have no shame!

5. Tell us the story of the moment you and Emily decided to start the blog together, and how you came up with the great name. For extra credit, where do you see yourself in 5 years? (Hey, it IS an interview.)
I can’t remember the EXACT moment, but I will tell you it was Emily’s idea and she gets full credit. We were really trying to write a book together based on all the hilarious emails we wrote each other when we were first pregnant at the same time. But then, we just realized it would not happen until we were too old to remember what it was like. So Emily came up with the idea of starting a blog. I had blogged on MySpace but hadn’t really read any other blogs. So Em showed me a few, and we started coming up with name ideas. I came up with “Mommin’ It Up” because that’s what I would say when people called and said “What are you doing?” because all I ever did was mom stuff – wipe butts, noses, you know the drill. So instead of “livin’ it up” or “talkin’ it up” I’d say “mommin’ it up!” Em liked the name and so she came over one day and we bought the domain name and hosting. And during that “meeting” we were trying to have, the kids were being crazy, and a newly-potty-trained Joshua pooped his pants, and Emily was like, “We really should be writing this down…”. It was too funny!

Sorry, that answer was so long. Now for the extra credit: In five years both my kids will be in school, so I see myself sitting on the couch watching Regis & Kelly drinking Mountain Dew and eating Twinkies. Umm, seriously…hopefully still blogging, still on staff with Blissfully Domestic, and making enough $$ to afford a cleaning lady once a week! I am AMBITIOUS!!!

This concludes “Laurin and Jenny Talk”. (Kelly, are you like, SO JEALOUS???) If you want to play in this interview game, here’s what to do!

1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.”

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