She Really DOES Eat Like a Bird

Recently I have had trouble getting Sophie to eat. (Hmm, yes, and before you ask, she is STILL nursing. Somebody…HELP…ME!) Rather than say, put her food in her mouth and chew it, she prefers to launch it from her tray into various parts of the house. Thanks to this favorite past time of hers, I had to buy ant traps yesterday. She throws it in places I don’t even find it until much later! So, lately I’ve been repeating the expression, “She eats like a bird” an awful lot. (One of my other favorites is “She eats barely enough to stay alive.”)

Yesterday the kids were playing on the porch and I was out there with them, but talking on the phone with my sister-in-law Elizabeth. We were happily chatting along when I looked up at Sophie and could see she had something in her mouth. “Uh-oh! Soph’s got something in her mouth.” I said to Elizabeth. I ran over to Sophie and dug out the foreign object amidst much indignant protesting.

It was a dead beetle.

“It’s a dead bug!” I exclaimed into the phone, while trying not to VOMIT.

“Ewww!” said Elizabeth.

“What What??” said my nephew upon hearing his mom’s disgust.

“Sophie had a dead bug in her mouth!” she told my nephew James.

“GROSS!” James howled.

“Tell Sophie it’s pretty impressive when a 9-year-old-boy is grossed out,” Elizabeth said back to me.

Yeah. Well. You can’t faze the Soph.

At least it wasn’t a worm. I’m pretty sure birds eat bugs though.

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5 Replies to “She Really DOES Eat Like a Bird”

  1. hey she knew not to eat the mystery poop…. at least she went to something with a little protein

  2. Hey she is right up there with her uncle chris. They did not call him June Bug as a toddler for nothing. 😉 As for the nursing….cut her off…..mommy is not a paci and I think she is using you like my isabel uses her paci….when she is bored or not knowing what to do with herself or tired she asks for the paci. Tough love honey – that is what it may take…..sorry! BUT she will survive…..

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