Sitting with Sophie

wistfully Sophie

Sophie sits on my lap watching her favorite show, Word World, and I bury my face in her soft, sweet-smelling hair. She absentmindedly reaches back and grabs a thick lock of my hair and grips it tightly. She doesn’t let go.

I drag my fingertips lightly across her little baby belly, back and forth, back and forth. She doesn’t respond, just grips my hair and chants along with the characters on Word World. But when I stop tickling her tummy, she lets go of my hair to grab my hand and puts it back on her belly – still not taking her eyes off the TV.

I giggle and kiss her soft cheek as I tickle her again. She smooshes her face closer to mine, I breathe in that sweet clean-smell hair again, give her butterfly kisses on those angelic cheeks, and think to myself, “It doesn’t get any better than this.”

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6 Replies to “Sitting with Sophie”

  1. I so agree. It’s like heaven. My daughter likes to hold on to my clothes and rub the material between her fingers.

    Beautiful picture!

  2. Aiden does that at night…he grabs one of our arms and wraps it around himself before he falls asleep. If we move our arm he grabs it and puts it right back. So sweet….

    I think I’ve finally broken him of the hair twirling and pulling though. Although he still just grabs ahold of my hair when he’s really sleepy….

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