Birfday Recap

So, I had a really great day (despite the fact that Joshua thought that 6:40 a.m. was a good time to get Mommy up on her birthday.) On my last night of my twenties Bobby and I went out an actual date and it was really fun, and he gave me a really sweet present. When Joshua woke me up at the butt-crack of dawn, I didn’t feel any different than I had he day before! No pall hung in the air. My face didn’t look any wrinklier. I felt normal!

The day was full of well-wishes. I got several b-day phone calls, a couple cards, a zillion emails and many, many shout outs from my blogging and Maya’s Mom friends. I felt truly celebrated! My friend Luanne took me out for lunch and coffee and we had a great time eating yummy Hawaiian pizza at Dewey’s and being girlfriends. Later in the day, my mommy brought me a chocolate cake. Since my b-day was a Wednesday, I went to church as usual, as Bobby and I work with the youth group. But instead of church, my hubby had cooked up a fabulous surprise party! It was so fun! Lots of good friends were there, including Emily and her sister Anna (together we are the Supercousins! Little known fact. We, like, save people while wearing spandex.) Of course this party includes a beautiful, sparkly, “Over the Hill” tiara, black cake with a vulture, a black rose, black plates, cups, etc. Verryyyyy funny! And there were MORE presents!! From a GIANT PRINT Bible to a slew of Mary Kay products (gotta fight those wrinkles!!), the presents were GREAT. After awhile the party got a little messy and I ended up with black icing all over my nose. BUT my son didn’t puke on anyone or anything, so all in all, it was a huge success!

By the way, 30 is the new black. Woot Woot! And, I just wanted to let you all know it’s only…

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7 Replies to “Birfday Recap”

  1. It is nice to know that 30 isn’t much different than 29. And, I still have to rub it in that I get one extra day because next year is a LEAP YEAR! Woo hoo. Truth be told, you could have probably used the large print Bible when you were about 7. And, you should have used the supercousin spandex story in your 100 things people didn’t know about you. That IS something that I didn’t know. I can just picture it. I am sure your Grandma is in her basement (which much resembles the bat cave) tending to maintaining your spandex and letting you know of troubles around the metropolis of Dayton. . Granmda is the new Albert the Butler. Anyway, sorry I didn’t get a hold of you yesterday. I am glad you had a great day and I miss you lots!

  2. Oh, that is so messed up.

    Let me remind you that you will be 31 before I turn 30! Twenty months, did you see that??? Twenty months! That is a long time.

    Oh my goodness. I woke up this morning and my tongue was FUSCHIA. Seriously. I had no IDEA what was going on… but I bet $5 that it has something to do with that black icing. Like maybe the black was just dark, dark purple. Thank heavens. I was seriously getting ready to google “fuschia tongue” so I could see what horrible malady I had contracted. Let’s all say a silent prayer of thanksgiving that I restrained myself from the urge to ask Dr. P to look at my tongue this morning.

  3. Glad you had a great birthday. I should save this post to be reminded that 30 isn’t bad when I hit the big 3-0 in February. I have been dreading it, you give me hope!!! LOL

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