Brilliant Father’s Day Present Ideas?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller??

So, um, Father’s Day is this Sunday, and I have, um, absolutely no very few ideas about what the kids and I should do for Andy.

We’re going to the Reds game, so at least we have our activities for the day planned, but I have no ideas about a present from the kids, which is where you come in. I need help! So of course I’m turning to you.

And for those of you who are in my shoes – here’s all I have to offer. The bright ideas I’ve had the last two Father’s Days…

A personalized galvanized tub:

And a fire pit:

Both were big hits, but I am fresh out of ideas this year… and I’m really a little short on time!

So please, leave a comment with your best Father’s Day present, craft, activity, idea, whatever. Help us slackers all out!

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17 Replies to “Brilliant Father’s Day Present Ideas?”

  1. It’s probably not much help, but here’s what I’m getting my husband for father’s day: a 8×10 of our daughter (free from CVS!) and some pampering/massage stuff from avon- my husband’s a sucker for a massage.

    How about some high quality steaks for him to grill for dinner?

  2. Each year I buy one of those mini-scrapbooks (cardstock, 10 or so small pages) and fill it with pics of hubby & kids from the last 12 months. I write a few lines to go along so it’s like a story of their year together and we add stickers. It’s one of those things you can make simple or not, depending on your mood & time! Anyway, we use them in our bedtime story rotation and the kids LOVE looking at the pics and reading about their special times with Daddy.

  3. you shoulda celebrated a week early and drove up to Cleveland to see St. Louis play. Maybe next year.

    I got John two ties (one from each kid), and an Indians t-shirt, but instead of having a player’s name on it it says DAD. I know, cheesy, but Faith had her heart set on giving it to him.

  4. I’m terrible when it comes to Father’s Day ideas. Steve always comes up with terribly thoughtful stuff for Mother’s Day and then I’m still floundering for ideas days before Father’s Day!!!

    This year, I took my twins to a local pottery place and had them paint their dad a coffee mug for Father’s Day. He drinks coffee every morning, so I thought it might be cute. (Side note here…he actually loves it. Apparently 2 two year olds can’t keep secrets when they go painting).

    We also got him the “typical” Father’s Day gift…in the form of two ties. He has to wear a suit every day, so they’ll come in handy. It will be interesting to see how often he wears his new purple tie and his new pink tie, though. At least you can tell they were definitely picked out by his girls!

    Good luck!

  5. You’re probably out of time for this, but it may be worth a call. Last year, for Mother’s day, I had my daughter (three at the time) go to Color Me Mine in Crestview Hills. She painted a ceramic mug.

    They did something cool–they had her dip her hands in paint, then put it on the mug. Those handprints became wings of a butterfly.

    Anyway, my daughter had a lot of fun, and my wife has a cool ceramic mug.

    The gotcha is that after it is painted, it has to be fired in a kiln. I’m not sure if they can get it in by Sunday.

  6. Just had one more idea…a fountain pen. Check Appointments in Carew Tower.

    Really, they have lots of great “guy stuff”–pens, swords, etc…

  7. I’m getting my husband jack-diddily. He didn’t get me anything for mother’s day (my FIRST MOTHER’S DAY, I might add) and so he isn’t getting anything for Father’s Day! (Hey, at least I got him a card… that’s more than he got me!)
    If I were going to get him something then I would get him the new Ghostbusters video game coming out…

  8. I thought I’d have my kids spell out D. A. D. with their bodies and then photograph/frame each letter. I TRIED to take the photos this weekend, but unfortunately it was a photo session from H. E. Double hockey sticks. I think I might have to peruse your comments to get another idea ;o)

  9. I have decided that for ALL of the future gift gibing times for the hubby he will get an “experience” instead of a gift! This year I got him Cirque du Soleil (sp?) tickets for Bday and NE patriots tickets for fathers day. For our anniversary I will be getting him MMA tickets even if we have to go to vegas to see it. He has too much “stuff” already and if he truely needs something we generally get it right away. Other ideas are a weekend in boston or cape cod or maine etc, other event ticket (blue man group) comes to mind etc.

  10. Okay, this is a bit corny, but my hubby gets the same thing every single year. I got him a white tee and had my 1st daughter make a hand print on it and dated it (this would be 2005). Since then we have added 2 more to our crew and the hand prints get added each year. He wears the shirt for about 10 minutes, ohhs and ahhs over it and then stores it away. He loves seeing how their hands have grown and changed from previous years. Corny, I know….

  11. A night out of town to go watch PHISH is a great gift! How about some spending money to buy PHISH stuff? Beer?

  12. I think I’m getting Knute tickets to the Freedom Concert at KI in August w/Sean Hannity – I’ll prolly get one for Uncle Meatball, too.

    Have to check on prices still.

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