But I don’t WANT to be Jenny when I grow up.


The beautiful thing about Jenny’s and my relationship is that we have nothing in common.

See that coffee picture up there? That’s not ACTUALLY our coffee, but it is representative of the coffee we both drink.

She’s the yin to my yang, the peanut butter to my jelly, the salt to my pepper, the republican to my democrat.

We are not supposed to be alike.

But because of my STUPID ADRENAL glands, I’m going to have to be like her after all.

In the worst way possible. (I mean, besides being a republican. Ha!)

I have to be gluten free.

And it pisses me off.

Not because I am going to miss the gluten (because I’ve been doing it for a week and a half and, whatever, it’s fine), but because I am NOW going to have to spend half my time rolling my eyes at MYSELF. Because all this “gluten free” nonsense is annoying. I’m going to have to get myself a gluten free pinterest board and ask servers “oh excuse me, is this GLUTEN FREEEEEE????” and never eat pizza again.

This is going to be AWESOME.


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8 Replies to “But I don’t WANT to be Jenny when I grow up.”

  1. Oh em gee. I never loved a post making fun of me more. NEVER! I can’t wait til you start hashtagging your tweets and instagrams #gf #gfree #glutenfree

  2. After rolling my eyes at everyone jumping on the GF bandwagon I too think I have to join that club because of my stupid thyroid. Ugh.

  3. Sorry to hear… It really is annoying! But look on the bright side; you don’t have “Emilyiac disease!” I hate telling people that my name is Celua and I have Celiac disease, it’s so embarrassing!

  4. You can do it! It’s not so terrible. I am severely reactive to gluten (probably undiagnosed celiac, but I did not want to have the intestinal biopsy if a diet change would solve it), for about a year now–I know many people will say use this as a chance to be healthier, more fruits, vegetables, meats, etc. however my first baby step suggestion is the opposite: as much as you can afford to, treat yourself to the gluten free versions of everything you would otherwise want/eat: bread, pasta, cupcakes, pizza, etc! It will make the transition so much more manageable. Some things will taste good, some won’t, and some will after your tastebuds change, and you may decide you can live without a lot of the substitutes after a while (that’s the phase I’m in now), but I highly recommend you use them as a crutch in your initial crossover. If you want suggestions on best tasting brands, I’ll be happy to help you! You can do this! (and thank god you’re still not a Republican! lol)

  5. Next I expect to see a post where Emily takes selfies enjoying gluten free items. In the car, at home, in the park, etc.

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