Come Sale Away

My apologies to my mother, and anyone else whose eyes burn at the sight of the word “ass” but this picture made me crack up and I couldn’t RESIST!

Over the weekend, Bobby and I sorted and tagged stuff for the garage sale we are having later this week with families from our house church.  We are raising money to send the two teens in our house church to church camp this summer.  And also getting rid of all our old STUFF!  (Let me know locals, if you want the address!  Come buy my old crap gently used stuff!)

As we were going through aforementioned STUFF, I was really awed by how much of it we have.  So. much. extra. stuff. we. don’t. use.  I mean it’s pretty safe to say we used most of it at one time, but jeepers, why do we hold on to stuff for so long?

I think it’s just laziness on my part, lack of time to deal with the proper redistribution of those items.  I mean if it weren’t for this sale, they’d probably sit in my closets and basement for another couple of years.

But I am actually really excited to be freeing up some space and getting rid of some STUFF.  I hope my “trash” can become someone else’s “treasure”.  I can’t wait until the end of the week!  I know once it is done and we put our house back together, I am going to feel…lighter.

So, it’s a rainy Monday, and truth be told, we didn’t get nearly as much done this weekend as we wanted to.  It’s back upstairs for me to conquer the deep abyss that is Joshua’s closet.  I’m skeeered!  If you don’t hear from me by noon, you might want to call 911.  Maybe I’d better take the iPod touch up with me so I can twitter for help if I get trapped!

Let the cleansing begin!

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4 Replies to “Come Sale Away”

  1. girl, I’m right there with ‘ya. Are you trapped? Do you need me? Do you need an extra dose of Claratin? Cuz if you’re like me, you’ll be dead and gone from all the dust long before the stuff gets ‘ya! Good luck and happy decluttering.

  2. Don’t forget to post about the sale on Craig’s List. That’s where I go to check out sales in my area. Once it’s set up, take a few pictures to include with the post. We did one of these before we moved and people came because of our big list and the pictures. Good luck to you!

  3. maybe that is what I will do next week is get some stuff together and do a yard sale since I don’t have a garage per say!! 🙂 Good luck and I agree Lawanna about Craig’s list…that is where a LOT of people check out garage sale items!!

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