
I’ve been thinking a lot today about the decisions we have to make as mothers (or parents, I guess)… things like caffiene during pregnancy, birth choices, circumcision, vaccines, etc. Because really, we can talk to our spouses and other parents and doctors and scour the internet for hours days weeks on end, and still make the wrong choice. Making the wrong choice may not matter in the end, but sometimes it does. Sometimes it can end up really mattering, and that scares me to death.

It’s a lot of responsibility, this parenting gig.

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6 Replies to “Decisions”

  1. I find that curling up in a corner in the fetal position helps!
    No really, I think I said it before, the fact that you care enough to ask these questions about yourself is a sign you care enough to do whatever it takes. Even if it means making a mistake and having to admit and fix it. It’s all good, God’s got your back!

  2. You are definetely right that sometimes it really matters, but I would venture a guess that 8 out of 10 times, the ones we really spend hours upon hours agonizing about don’t matter near as much as we thing they do.

  3. I hear ya! What gets me is the amount of influence I have over my kids. I watch my daughter act like my clone and it freaks me out. There’s a lot of stuff I don’t like about me that I don’t want her to emulate. In the end, it makes me a better person because she is the most honest mirror I’ll ever look into.

  4. I hear ya sista!!! When our little guy had surgery talk about agonizing – which doc, which hospital, what results did others have! Just one of many things us moms go through – I know hubbies feel the pain sometimes too but it’s just different when you’ve birthed the baby and all! Only moms know about that!!

  5. As moms I feel we all agonize over every decision… second guess ourselves even after we make our decision… Hope and pray when our little ones grow up or even while growing up, they make the right decisions… so I think if put all our own love into raising them mixed with Gods love and wisdom, all will be okay no matter what. Its all a parent can do…

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