Friday Funnies

Yesterday I had a conversation with my good friend Gina via email, and I was so amused by our little chat that I just had to share it with all of our Mommin’ It Up readers!

Gina: I was just talking to my grandmother… the one that did naked medical acting and I made the mistake of asking her what she was doing. She said, “well, I am just sitting here in my underpants with my night gown on my shoulder, about ready to get dressed when you called,” and I said “Well I bet that is a pretty sight.” And she said, “It is crazy how low a breast can hang.” And then I told her my house was on fire and I needed to go.

Emily: omg I am dying laughing. You have never mentioned the naked medical acting before.

Gina: That is because I am embarrassed that my grandma is a naked medical actor. That is part of the reason my sister chose Loyola over SIU med school because SIU is where my grandma naked medical acts.

Emily: I am cracking up, seriously. The thing about your sister is killing me. Naked medical acts. Hahahhahaha Exactly what is involved with naked medical acting?

Gina: She does medical acting at the med school and she will do acting for the gyno doctors. Some people won’t do things that require nudity. Not my grandma…she prolly likes it.

Emily: Wow. No wonder your sister picked another school. Who wants to give their own grandma a pap?

Gina: That is the grossest thought I have ever had.

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