Just a Smidge of CVSing

Winter weather and Christmas activities kept me away from CVS this week, but I was able to go one time, on Sunday to make some ECBs! Here’s what I got!


Contour Monitor $14.99
2 Colgate $5.98
Rolaids $2.99
Schick Quattro $7.99
Mentos .79 (not pictured cause I ATE ‘EM!)
Total = $32.74
Coupons used:
CVS $4/$20 (expired but my CVS takes them for 30 days WOOT)
up to $20 off (so -$14.99)Contour manu q
two $1.50 Colgate manu q’s
$3/2 Colgate Walgreens q
$2 off Schick manu q
$3 off Schick Walgreens q
$1 off Rolaids manu q
Total = $1.75
I paid with 1 ECB and $1.39 cash and got back…wait for it…14 ECB! 5 for the monitor, 4 for the Colgate, 2 for the Rolaids, and 3 for the razor. Woohoo!

So that is all for me this week. Hope you all did great too! For more couponing adventures, check out CVS Superstars and Super Savings Saturday!

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2 Replies to “Just a Smidge of CVSing”

  1. hey jenny – my new year’s resolution (i never usually do it) is to learn to CVS (when did this turn into a VERB?). how could I bribe you to take me someday and teach me? i’m a kinesthetic learner =) also, my husband wants to know if you’re buying things you actually need, or just stockpiling stuff that turns out to be free after coupons….sorry, he’s a guy.

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