Listen Up, NBC

Don’t read this (yet) if you DVR’d The Office last night!

I want you to know that if you screw things up between Jim and Pam, I am GOING TO BE PISSED.

Really pissed. Like will-stop-watching-the-show pissed. And I am sure I’m not alone.

You created a wonderful love story. We all watched and waited for Pam to finally get rid of that loser Roy, and then we even put up with the Jim and Karen situation for a while. And the anticipation made it all the more wonderful with Jim and Pam finally got together.

When Jim climbed into Pam’s Yaris and kissed her, I was thrilled. And when Jim pulled out a ring box and said he bought it a week after he and Pam started dating… well, it was the most romantic thing I have ever seen. (Sorry, honey).

You totally got it right.

But last night, you led me to believe you may go and mess it all up. And in case I haven’t mentioned it, I do not think that is a good idea!

Here’s the thing. We don’t want to have the Roy-Pam-Jim situation played out again with Jim-Pam-chubby-20-year-old-boy. That is not cool. We don’t want to see Pam go live in a dorm and rush a sorority and pretend she’s a stupid college kid. We don’t. Ok? We want you to continue down the path you started, where the nice guy gets the girl. We want to think that sometimes people fall in love and stay in love and have babies and remain faithful to each other and like it, dammit. Because really, we see enough of the other side of it in real life.

Do you know why every fairy tale in the world ends with “Happily ever after?” Because the Brothers Grimm’s marketing research firm found out that THAT’S WHAT PEOPLE WANT. It’s worked for them for a couple hundred years – I’d follow their lead if I were you.

So please, I am begging you. Don’t screw this up.

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14 Replies to “Listen Up, NBC”

  1. I only caught the end of this episode last night. WHAT CHUBBY YEAR OLD GUY?! I can’t wait to get back home to my DVR and see the whole thing now. I got all teary eyed over Jim’s proposal. At least she said yes! -Julia

  2. Amen, sista! I may not do a complete boycott b/c if that happens. Well..Michael is just so stupid enough for me to watch by himself and stay entertained!

  3. Wasn’t that a wonderful moment when he dropped on one knee?! Aaaaahhhhhhh! I’ve been waiting on that for so long. I’m hoping the college guy was just to throw us off so that the engagement surprised us.
    Glad to find some other office lovers out there! It’s the only show I watch!!

  4. I totally agree!!

    But there is 1 other love triangle – Andy-Angela-Dwight and a potentinal love triangle with Jan-Michael-Holly. Personally I’m not sure which is more disguisting!

  5. Thank you for the disclaimer! I didn’t read the post until just now. I’m just now finishing up the episode (poor Toby!). I SO VERY MUCH agree with you… and hopefully Pam’s wish of a short engagement will come true! I can so see Jim going to corporate and Pam going to school and the two of them making a go of things in the Big Apple.

    But that’s just my wishful thinking.

  6. Unless of course, Jim decides to come sweep me off my feet, I’ll be okay with that. Oh… I heart Jim. I also will be very upset if this all goes wrong. It’s taken long enough, just let them be happy!

  7. Wow, another Office fan and couponer. I’ve been looking for more people like you who love both things.

    I agree on the Jim and Pam comment. Hopefully a show can show a couple being happy and staying together and make it interesting, cause that stuff does happen in real life all the time.

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