Meme Sunday

Adventure Mom tagged us for the famous “Seven Random Things about Me” meme, and since Jenny has already done it and she’s still in the mountains of West Virginia, I’ll take this one.

So, seven random things about me…

1) I am one of the four people left in America with dial-up internet at home. This is NOT conducive to blogging.

2) I can’t remember if tomorrow will mark my 19th or 20th week of pregnancy.

3) I am addicted to books on tape. I drive 40 minutes each way to work, and it’s a great way to spend that time.

4) I was named after the girl in the Clifford books… “Hi, my name is Emily Elizabeth…”

5) I’m not a cook at all, but I make really good lasagna and chili. Separately, not lasagna with chili.

6) I took Kate to see “Enchanted” on Friday and I’m pretty sure I enjoyed it more than she did. It’s reallllly good!

7) I learned all the words to “We didn’t start the fire” while stuck in a traffic jam.

Fascinating, eh? Sorry – it was the best I could do on a Sunday afternoon!

Hope everyone has enjoyed the holiday weekend!

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4 Replies to “Meme Sunday”

  1. I totally agree, Enchanted was a GREAT movie!! Of course, I have a 13 and 10 yr old, so they may have enjoyed it as much as me. 🙂

    Ah, Emily Elizabeth. We used to read the Clifford books all the time. When dd was starting to “read” (as in she had memorized the entire book) she called her “Emily Buh-niz-niss.” To this day, that girl is Emily Buhnizniss to us.

  2. My wife is dying to see Enchanted with our girls as well. I will not go, as sadly there are no explosions. Interesting list.

  3. Ok, I now I really want to see Enchanted. I think I might be able to drag my 5 year old son. I love books on tape too. Hope the pregnancy is going well. I am at 29 weeks and wish time would go faster 🙂 Do you know what you are having?

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