Not to Get too Philosophical on You, but…

My life has changed a lot in the past year. I had a second child, which was a huge adjustment, and then when she was five months old, I quit my job to become a stay-at-home-mom. Then a couple of weeks after that, Emily and I started this blog. Oh yeah, and I got ancient turned thirty. Which is cool because, in case you haven’t heard, thirty is the new awesome.

Another positive yet unexpected change I’ve had in my life is that I’ve made some new friends recently. A little over a year ago I met my friend Luanne, and I don’t know what I ever did without her. I’d never thought about making new friends at this advanced awesome age. (I mean, I’ve got Emily, so really, I don’t need anyone else in my life.) Since I’ve started staying home with the kids, I’ve made other new friends as well. I’ve been blessed with some bloggy friends like Jill and Piper, and some tangible friends, like Kristyn, Andrea, Bethany, and Katie. I’m certainly not ready to trade in my old vintage friends, but I’m extremely grateful for these new women I can learn from.

So, the changes have been good, and today I’m just feeling thankful.

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5 Replies to “Not to Get too Philosophical on You, but…”

  1. I am totally stealing the phrase “vintage” friends. I love it!
    Darlin’ page. I love what y’all are doing and had to stop by!!
    Keep up the greatness!

  2. You know, my best friend and I just found each other about six years ago (I’m 36 now). I’m very close to my cousin too, but other than her, the friends I had in childhood changed a lot. They didn’t “fit” once I reached adulthood. We know who we are and what we want when we reach our 30’s! It IS the new awesome!

  3. Thanks for not getting rid of your vintage friends. But that makes ME sound OLD too. I don’t turn 30 until next year!

  4. oh I am so touched. Isn’t the blogging friend thing fun! I never knew how much I would enjoy being stalked 🙂

    I have made some of my closest friends post kids. There is just something about that mommy bond that you can’t get with people who aren’t moms.

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