Ohio Peeps – Win $500 by entering the “Justice 4 All: What courts do for US” Law Day Video Contest

From the Ohio State Bar Association:

Are you an aspiring filmmaker looking to start your film career?
Or a middle school student dreaming of becoming a lawyer?
Or a student participant in your school’s mock trial program?
Or a young lawyer or law student eager to make a mark on the legal profession?
Or a citizen wanting to share your views about the role of our courts in our lives?

The “Justice 4 All: What courts do for US” YouTube video contest wants you!

See OSBA President Gary J. Leppla’s video calling for entries:

Create a video about the role of courts in our democracy, and why fair and impartial courts are essential to our justice system.

Two winners will be chosen: one from videos submitted by Ohio residents under 18, and one from videos submitted by Ohioans 18 and older.
Each will receive $500.

Click here: for details and the complete rules!

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