Sammy’s Day with Aunt Anna

On Wednesday, my sister kept our kids while we were at work, and she and Sammy had some bonding time while Kate was at school. Sammy (and Kate) looooooves Aunt Anna, or Nah-Nah, as he calls her, and just about flips out with excitement every time he sees her.

And after looking at the pictures of their day, I can see why! It looks fun!

Rockin’ out:
sammy 1

sammy 2

Mama’s boy:
sammy 3

Hiding is his new favorite activity:
sammy 4

Cute boy:
sammy 5

A trip to the park:
sammy 6

Wore him out:

sammy 7

Our kids are so lucky to have such a great aunt to spend time with (and who takes such great pictures). Love you, Annie!

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