Santa in the Digital Age

A week or so ago, I heard about the Santa calls being offered from Cincinnati Bell, so I arranged for Santa to call Kate that evening. It’s a pretty cute service – you go to the website, put in your child’s name and your phone number (only the greater Cincinnati/Dayton area works) and the time and date Santa should call, and voila, your kid gets a call from the big man himself.

When the phone rang that night, I asked Kate to answer it. I heard her say “Hello?? Hello??? Hello????” and then she hung up. She looked at me and said “Sammy must have called someone or something, because no one was there. All I could hear was ‘Ho, ho, ho.'” Being the genius I am, instead of just letting it go, I was like “Kate, who says ‘ho, ho, ho’??” A look of recognition came over her face… and then horror… and then she burst into tears. She was absolutely heartbroken that she hung up on Santa! It was so pitiful, and while Andy and I did our best to comfort her and convince her it was ok, she didn’t really buy it. I immediately got on the computer and arranged for Santa to call again 15 minutes later, and that time Kate let the man talk. Apparently Santa did a plug for Cincinnati Bell while he was at it, because Kate now says that he lives in northern Cincinnati.

While a phone call from Santa is cute, a video of him talking to your child is even better! Yesterday Emilie sent me a link to the Portable North Pole, where you can make a customized video of Santa. You answer a few quick questions about your child, what he or she wants for Christmas, and upload a picture, and within seconds you have a video of Santa talking to your child, and since he has all the “inside info,” his message is really specific and personal. It is so cute! I was hoping I could embed the video I made for Sammy in this post, but I don’t think there’s a way to do it. You can click here to see it though! Also, if you have teenagers, they’ll let you put them on the “Naughty” list – too funny.


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4 Replies to “Santa in the Digital Age”

  1. sweet! Glad you could call Santa back and let him call Kate again! That could have been tradgic! 🙂

  2. Thanks for the link for the Santa movie. Is it free? I’m going to try to do one for my 16 year old nephew – definetly putting him on the “naughty” list..LOL!

    Merry Christmas to you, Jenny and your families.

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