
Kate got her first tooth at four months.

Sammy got his first tooth on Sunday, at nearly 11 months.

My two babies, they look a lot alike. (You’re going to have to trust me on this, because apparently Snapfish is holding Kate’s baby pictures hostage.) They sound a lot alike. But they are such different babies.

Sammy sucks his thumb; Kate never did. Kate crawled on all fours; Sammy has perfected the army crawl. Sammy loves to play with his toys; Kate was never all that into them. Kate didn’t put things in her mouth; Sammy thinks the world is one big snack box.

By default, Kate is my yardstick. So when Sam was four months old, I started feeling his gums for teeth. Until Sunday, I had been researching preschool-sized denture options. But sure enough, his tooth (and then another one the next day) popped through when it was good and ready.

It’s things like this that remind me that each of my kids is on his or her own timeline, and that it’s ok. They’re different kids, and throughout their lives they are going to do things differently and make different choices, it’s just who they are.

And they’re both so incredible.

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4 Replies to “Teeth.”

  1. My daughter got her first two teeth over Christmas (ironically enough). She was just shy of 11 months. I was convinced she would be gumming food well into her 20s!

  2. My two boys are on complete opposite sides of the spectrum. My oldest had his first tooth at 4 mos and my youngest is now 7 mos and still no sign of them. They have not done ONE thing the same, yet. It is amazing how 2 children can come from the same gene pool and be complete opposites in every detail.

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