This? Scares me to death.

I just watched this. I haven’t entirely processed it yet – I’m not sure I want to. I’m not sure I want to look too deeply into what I’m passing on to Kate. From the moment she was born, I have wanted nothing more than to NOT pass on my food and body issues to her. And on the surface, I’ve put some effort into that – I don’t talk about weight and being fat around her, and I focus on the benefits of nutrition and physical activity as they relate to health, not weight.

But you guys. Thinking about my weight? Consumes me.

I can’t describe it.

The idea of Kate picking up on this internal struggle is terrifying.

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3 Replies to “This? Scares me to death.”

  1. Wow. It’s scary how many unspoken things your kids pick up on. It just shows me that it all goes back to what I was taught as a child, that my actions speak louder than my words. This intelligent, articulate, lovely young girl’s words are proof that it’s true.That really made me think. Thanks for the reminder 😉

  2. This may or may not apply but you know that my mom is very afraid of storms. I had no idea until I was an adult that she was afraid. She hid it so well. I am not afraid of storms at all. I love to sit on the porch here and watch them come across the mountain. Perhaps with a lot of effort an emotion that you fear will infect your child can be contained.

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