Throwback Thursday

It’s been a while since we’ve participated in the Pinks & Blues Throwback Thursday, but today is the perfect day!

Today Jenny’s brother Charles and my sister Anna are celebrating their 37th and 27th birthdays respectively. My plan was to “throwback” to one of their birthday parties… but the best I could do was a picture of one of my birthdays, but it features all the cousins, so it counts, right?

Happy birthday Charles and Anna, and next year I promise I’ll dig out a picture that actually was taken on your birthday!

From left to right, Jenny, me, Jenny’s brothers Andy and Charles, and my sister Anna in 1985.


For more fun Throwback Thursday posts, visit Pinks & Blues!

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3 Replies to “Throwback Thursday”

  1. man, i am so overwhelmed by my, I mean our, cuteness, I can’t think of anything else to say! Except that Peanuts tablecloth ROCKS!

  2. I should dig out that crayoned love note that Jenny wrote to MY hubby when she was around 5 years old. By the time of this picture, surely Jenny was “mature” enough to hate boys and be over her puppy love crush. Now if Jenny had never loved John, then I probably would have not felt free to fall for the boy myself some 12 years later.

    You were all very cute. Gotta love those 80’s nerd glasses.

  3. DIG OUT THE LOVE NOTE, KRISTA! I never knew about that side of Jenny… but perhaps what is worse is that the note still exists!

    That is SO FUNNY! gotta love throwback thursdays!

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