Why I Love Twitter

Tuesday morning I dumped a ham in the crockpot before work and was looking forward to an easy dinner. I had planned to make some mac & cheese (yes, the blue box. We are klassy like that) and broccoli, and maybe some rolls (have you tried the yeast rolls in the freezer section? They are good!).

However, my leisurely attitude about dinner quickly turned into panic when I was about five minutes from home. My husband called me to say he had a friend over helping him fix our outside faucet (that had been leaking for a month. Our grass is quite green!) and since we had a ham in the crockpot anyway, he’d invited him and his two kids to stay for dinner.

Well, yes, we did have ham… but it was the stuff that goes with the ham that we didn’t have. So instead of going home, Sam and I pointed the car toward the grocery store.

I bet you’re wondering what this has to do with Twitter, aren’t you? Here’s where Twitter comes in.

As we headed to the store, I (stopped at a red light, I might add) tweeted this:

By the time I pulled into the grocery store parking lot, a solid 90 seconds later, here’s what I saw.

Five brilliant answers from five people I don’t even know. How cool is that?

But it didn’t stop there. As I wandered down the mac & cheese aisle (I had to get the family sized big box to accommodate our guests. Did you know that it calls for a stick of butter? omg), I saw this tweet:

So I’m all:

I told you I was klassy.

So then VDog’s like:

Then Jennifer jumps in to help a sister out:

Which made VDog glad that not everyone in the fly-over states is a complete moron:

And I showed my gratitude to them both:

And then the OTHER Jennifer jumps in to tell me how to make this cous cous stuff:

MEANWHILE, I’m having a simultaneous conversation with ShaRhonda, that went something like this:

Keep in mind that all this took place while Sam and I were making a mad dash around the grocery store, and within a span of 15 minutes.

That is why I love twitter.

I had a need and instantly – instantly – multiple people were there to help out.

It wasn’t anything important, but I know that if I tweeted “Help! I’m lost in Chicago and can’t find my way back to the hotel!” or “omg Kate just fell out of a tree and I don’t know if I should take her to the ER. Is the bone sticking out a bad sign?” that my Tweeps would respond back immediately with directions or advice or prayers or whatever.

That, my friends, is why I love Twitter.

Post to Twitter

11 Replies to “Why I Love Twitter”

  1. so did you get the cous cous? the micster and i lived on cous cous with taco seasoning in it while we lived in DC. delicious!

  2. Gotta love the twitter and all of our tweeting family! Glad to be a part of the action and reaction! Sounds like dinner was a success and I hope you took ALL the credit ;-)! Thanks for sharing your experience and showing a positive side to social media when the negatives are exploited so highly and so often.

  3. I’m glad that you have such great luck with those things. I don’t get the same kinds of responses when I have those requests on Twitter.

  4. I’ve never tried cous cous, but after reading this, felt the need to try it. 🙂 I’m eating it right now and love it!! I’m so excited to have a new side dish option! Thanks!

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