5 reasons Emily will love our plane ride to Mom 2.0

This year we're hoping to get a picture taken in a celebrity's basement
This year we’re hoping to get a picture taken in a celebrity’s basement. It will be hard to top the shower!

Eeep! Exactly one week from now Emily and I will be on our way to our very favorite social media conference, the Mom 2.0 Summit, thanks once again to our amazing and generous sponsor, Lands’ End. To say we are excited would be the understatement of the year. We are looking forward to hanging out with each other, wearing fabulous clothes, meeting  up with some of our bloggy BFFs, connecting with some great brands we hope to work with, and learning a ton to help us along our bloggy way. Last year’s Mom 2.0 was pretty life-changing for both of us and we can’t wait to see what’s in store for us in beautiful Laguna Niguel, California next week.

But before we can start the fun, though, we have to get there. And getting there involves me doing one of my least favorite things – flying. And one of Emily’s least favorite things – flying with me. But little does she know that this year’s super-long plane trip is going to be oodles of fun. Best ever! Why, you ask? Let me count the ways. Specifically, let me count all five ways.

5. I hurt my back in January and it just won’t get better. I start physical therapy the day before we leave. Sitting is one of the very worst things for it, so I’m sure my normal sunshiney personality will be, um, just BURSTING forth after sitting for four hours.  Also, I’m going to wear a Ben Gay patch on my back to help alleviate the pain so I will smell awesome. Emily will spend the whole flight breathing in the comforting menthol vapors of my geriatric pain aid. No more cozying up to a strange elderly passenger on the plane to get your menthol fix! I’ve got that nursing home smell right here.

4. I also hurt my tailbone and it flares up on and off. This week it’s ON! So I am going to spend the whole flight trying to sit on one butt cheek which means I’ll be leaning into Emily for four hours straight. She loves getting cozy with me (and everyone, let’s face it, she’s a hugger.) so I know she’s already giddy about this.

3. Due to the conditions mentioned in #4 and #5, and thanks to my new doctor who actually listened to me and tried to help with the problem, I have drugs. A few different kinds. This is  bound to make the flight more enjoyable for not just Emily, but everyone on board.

2. I’ve been working on a pep talk to give Emily about not being socially awkward at the conference. So far I’ve got it timed at about 3 hours and 32 minutes, so it will take up most of the flight. This way she won’t get bored, and will be really motivated to win friends and influence people when we get off the plane. Part of this is teaching her and rehearsing a comedy bit we can do when we meet someone, you know, to really impress them with our wit (if they can stop gawking at our beauty). YOU’RE WELCOME, cousin!

1. I’ve had “Call me Maybe” in my head for about two days. It typically has a 10-day life span so Emily is going to get a *real treat*. I only know like two lines so I think I’ll probably throw in my funky arm-dance moves and make up verses that apply to the conference. Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here’s my biz card, tweet me maybe? Ooh, and here’s one for my favorite stalkee, BossyBefore you came into my life, I stalked you so bad, I watched you so bad, and now I know that, you like your coffee black… 

Well there ya have it, T-minus seven days and counting, cousin! So brace yourself start getting PUMPED UP! I don’t want to over-excite you so I won’t tell you what else (besides our comedy intro bit) I have planned for you AT the conference. But don’t worry, you’ll love it. Have I ever led you astray?

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8 Replies to “5 reasons Emily will love our plane ride to Mom 2.0”

  1. So taking notes for my flight with Greg to Dublin next month. I had to pretty much be drugged out of my mind to make it from San Francisco to Pittsburgh last September (right after I threw up on the Las Vegas to SanFran flight). The flight involved me wearing my sunglasses (on a night flight), noise-canceling headphones, and a hoodie, all which made me look kind of like the unibomber, and I’m sure that made all of the other passengers feel at ease. I also left a large pool of drool on his shoulder.

  2. Flying now is like riding the Greyhound Bus! I hate it. I am usually booked on the screaming baby flight, or the pilot has never landed by himself flight, or…

    Have a good flight!


  3. Thankful your doctor listened to you. Perhaps with all the fun of the plane ride you might consider taking video of the two of you. You know just so you can bring all of us “with” you. Welcome to Collective Bias!

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