Death by Hangnail.

Since I’ve had baby Jonah five months ago (how can he be five months old already?)  I’ve had a variety of dumb maladies.  My body tends to attack me after I have a baby.  So, I had the c-section incision open up, the DeQuervain’s syndrome in my thumb/arm, and some painful “nerve problems” (I don’t know how to explain them, I had them after previous pregnancies also) on top of my left foot, the back of my left knee, an even my right butt cheek.


And now, a new malady, which has nothing to do with having been pregnant but is just one of those DUMB things that happens – I guess.

An infected hangnail.  A freaking hangnail!  Two weeks or so ago, I picked a hangnail on my right thumb.  I’ve picked or clipped about 4 million hangnails in my life and never had one get infected.  And I wash my hands about eleventy billion times a day, BUT  it should have been eleventy billion and one that day, apparently.

As you may remember, my husband had a little right thumb trouble of his own once upon a time. Which is why I jokingly posted this as my facebook status a few days ago:

Turns out that wasn’t so funny!  The infection got so bad the pain was keeping me up at night. THEN my thumbnail started to come off!

So Monday I headed to the doctor in a panic.  You know it’s good and infected when the nurse says “Ewww. That looks painful.”

The doc gave me a “high dose” of antibiotics and a pain medicine which turns out to be Vic*din. Who knew you could get Vic*din for a hangnail?

Anyhoo. I’m supposed to soak it in epsom salts and take my antibiotic and keep it wrapped and if that works, then he won’t have to do surgery on it.


It was a HANGNAIL!!!!!!!!!

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion in this medical melodrama. I just *can’t wait* to see what’s gonna happen.

At least I got some Vic*din.

I guess every infected hangnail has a silver lining.

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6 Replies to “Death by Hangnail.”

  1. Nathan got an infection similar to that last year on his thumb and one of his toes. Who knows where it came from, but he lost the nails on both of those appendages. Thankfully, they are growing back nicely, but it was a painful process at the beginning. Praying that your infection clears up quickly! And good luck with the pain meds. That stuff puts me flat on my back from dizziness!

  2. Holy Cow Jenny! See, now you can’t poke fun at Bobby! What goes around comes around…damn karma! LOL!! I hope you feel better soon though and do not have to get surgery…if you do, you will have a great story to tell for sure! 🙂

  3. Wow Jenny! Can’t even imagine how bad it looks, let alone feels. I’m guessing with your Vic*din you are feeling pretty swell, or don’t really care how you feel. Hoping you get better soon and it’s a simple fix of epsom salt soaks and antibiotics with a kicker of the big “V”.

  4. Grandpa Brads had something like that happen when he was young, that’s why his thumbnail was shaped so differently.

    See, you’re not adopted after all…Charles and Andy lied!!


  5. I dont know for sure, but I personally think pain relievers should be prescribed for all hangnails…and papercuts as well! LOL.

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