Sammy Chatter

All of the sudden, almost over night, it seems like Sammy is talking a lot! It sounds weird to say “it seems” because he is talking a lot, but since he is the second child and I have no time to read weekly “Here’s what your kid should be doing” emails from Babycenter, I have no idea if he’s actually talking a lot for a 14-month-old or not. And contrary to my type-A neurotic personality, I don’t really care.

He is talking a lot for him, anyway, and it is SO CUTE.

He’s been saying “Mama,” “Dada,” and – his favorite – “ball” for several months now, but now his vocabulary has expanded to include “night night,” “down,” “Daisy” (his sitter’s dog), “Papa,” umm…. and other stuff that I can’t think of right now.

It’s so exciting to watch his speech develop, because it seems like he’s saying something, or several things, new every day. Last night was the first time I ever got him to perform – I’d ask him to say one of his words and he’d repeat it. This morning, when he woke up and I went to get him out of his crib, and he said “I want down” plain as day. I said “You want down?” and he said “I want down.” So I did this several more times until he looked at me like “Seriously lady, how many times do I have to tell you?”

He’s so smart and so cute. (yes, I know I’m his mom.) He still can’t walk.

But the boy can dance.

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8 Replies to “Sammy Chatter”

  1. your kiddos have some awesome moves.

    just imagine how great Sammy will dance when he learns how to stand and walk!

  2. Ellie gets really irritated when I ask her to repeat stuff for my enjoyment. She’s like, come on, I KNOW you heard me the first 85 times. But when they’re so cute, how can you help it?

    I LOVE Sammy’s dancing!

  3. Aww, he is so precious! I love seeing him getting into the music! It sounds like he is talking more than my 22 month old was at 14 months.

  4. Just checked out your site and your kids have the moves – what cd is that, my kids would love it!!!

  5. FYI, our #2 (you know him, you love him), didn’t walk until 14 months, either. He was/is just so darn big; whole lotta boy body to move around on new legs!

    Sammy has Andy’s eyes – so cute.

  6. My now 27 month old didn’t talk much at all until her second birthday yep just three months ago. She now talks in full sentences.

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