I Get So Emotional, Baby

You are welcome, enjoy having that song in your head for the rest of the day!

But seriously. I’ve always been a cry baby, which is why I ascribe to putting a daily coat of waterproof mascara on top of my regular mascara. Because sadly, you never know when I am just gonna burst into tears.

As you may imagine, over the past few months with hormones and trying to get medication figured out, my tendency to weep at the drop of the hat has been a *little* exacerbated. Like, the other night, at the Yanni Voices concert, for some odd reason I started thinking about when Joshua and Kate were infants, and a couple of times I babysat Kate soon after Em went back to work. Having two infants that were 8 weeks apart all day was a little nuts but I really LOVED spending that time with both of them. I remembered when Joshua was napping how I’d enjoyed getting to know Baby Kate, laying her on my tummy and cooing at her. And in that moment, in an arena with thousands of people, with some Venezuelan guy in tight, shiny pants singing his heart out, I got a little teary. About spending time with my baby cousin. FIVE YEARS AGO.

Just about anything will make me tear up these days – someone being kind, someone being mean, a book, a song, a prayer and geez I can hardly read all the great blog posts that some people are writing these days for fear of DROWNING myself. And I do not watch television commercials. That’s like walking through an emotional mine field for crying out loud!

So anyways, I’m still an emotional basket case, but in a much less crazy way than I was {pauses to blow nose and wipe away a tear}. But tell me I’m not alone. What sends your tear ducts into a tizzy?

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20 Replies to “I Get So Emotional, Baby”

  1. These days? Everything. It’s been a weepy month. Mainly I think it’s my emotions coming back on line after stopping a medication designed to minimize the frequency of migraines – didn’t seem to help. It’s scary to think I may have been that flat for a year. I think I’m gonna cry again now!:)

  2. OH MY!! I thought I was the only person alive that cried ALL. THE. TIME. Honestly I can look out the window and end up crying. My emotions have been on a roller coaster ride that never ends and my tear ducts have seen more of a workout that most football players have seen during an entire football season.

  3. I cry reading other mother’s blog posts about their deliveries – women I’ve never even met. I got teary watching a group of girls perform an awesome jump rope routine because I was proud of them and thought about my daughter growing up to do the same thing. I get teary when my almost-11-month-old daughter hugs me.
    I cry at just about everything so I understand.

  4. I was never a crier until I started dating my husband (not that he made me cry, mind you, just I became more emotional or *girly* overall). That and watching too many episodes of 7th Heaven.

    Now I cry at 95% of the songs on the country music station. It’s pitiful. As soon as a song comes on that has a sappy ending, I start crying. Good thing I don’t wear any mascara…

  5. Umm I cry at everything, songs on the radio, movies, TV shows, commercials. Just the other day I cried at the Sarah McLachlan pet commercial.

  6. Oh my goodness, EVERYTHING. I’m pregnant again so it is a bit ridiculous. Cute stuff my kids do, cute stuff other people’s kids do, tv shows, my quiet time, church…..stuff I imagine (because I’m crazy apparantly)…like happy tears over the imaginary arrival of the baby, which is still a few months away…good grief.

    My teary tip- throw a burp cloth in your purse for unexpected emotional overflow. 🙂

  7. This made me think of the time you were over with your kids when Leland was first born and you took a picture of his first smile. We both started crying because it was his first smile. That makes me tear up right now 🙂

  8. Sorry you’re still not quite up to par! Sometimes it can be anything that makes me cry or gets me angry. I have issues too!

  9. It’s perfectly normal to cry and have a way of venting…we, as women and also moms, have a lot to deal with. I was on antidepressants for years because my doctor felt that I was overly emotional and needed to brighten up…well, ladies, I’ve been off the meds for over a year now, and while I’m no doctor and don’t advocate this, I feel alive again. I am happy to have those emotions, however silly they may seem sometimes, because they let me know I’m ALIVE. And I am so blessed in so many ways. So here’s to Kleenex, a Merchant-Ivory movie and sweet release…

  10. You are def. not a lone. For me, before having kids I rarely cried. Now that I have the boys just about anything can make me cry. I actually cried watching NBC’s White House Special last night… about their dog!!!

  11. I’m a huge cry baby and cry very easily. I could be a Hallmark ad tester. My oldest just turned 7 and I was looking through her baby pictures and started boo hooing.

    p.s. don’t get me started on how hubby and I had a date night a few weeks ago and he rented Nights in Rodanthe and how I was reduced to a red-faced streaked weepy blob of goo!

  12. Aiden was trying to make friends with the boys in our neighborhood. They are all quite a bit older than him. Seeing him get rejected made my stomach flop and my eyes start to water. I was sure I would break down right then and there!

  13. It’s nothing a little chunky-monkey and a box of tissues can’t help out with…we sooo need to get together!! I am thinking it’s because I have hit 30 that I have been more emotional at ummm….EVERYTHING! So no, Jenny…you are not alone…;)

  14. I cry all the time. I’m a big crybaby. The Yanni concert would’ve made me cry just because the music was good. Looking at my daughter makes me cry. So does hearing her laugh, being annoyed at my mom, ordering a swimsuit and getting my feelings hurt by my husband. And oh yeah, good books, the Word, commercials and Hallmark cards. Pretty much – everything!

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