Why Pay Retail When You Can Pay FREEtail??

I was majorly bummed out this week when their appeared to be no great deals at CVS, so I decided to concentrate on purchasing some items I had rebate forms for. There are few things I love more than paying for things at CVS with ECBs and then getting back rebates for them in real, actual dollars!! As a matter of fact, I have gotten back over $45 in rebates this month for things I bought at CVS with FAKE MONEY! Woohoo! So, here’s what I got:


I had a rebate form for the Pert Plus – if you bought two bottles, you get a rebate back for the 2nd one. Here’s how this transaction worked:
Two bottles of Pert Plus for $3.99 each
Two bottles of Tresemme for $4.99 each
One box of Kleenex for 88 cents
I used:
$5/$15 CVS coupon
$2.50/2 Pert Plus coupon
8 ECBs and paid 54 cents cash
I got back 5 ECBs for the Tresemme and will get back a $3.99 rebate for the Pert Plus! YAY!

I had a similar rebate form for Sure deodorant, and we needed Kleenex and juice so…


2 Sure deodorant at $2.99 each
Welch’s grape juice on sale for $2.50
3 Kleenex at 88 cents each
1 CVS spray hand sanitizer $1.79
5 Juicy Drop pops at $1.49 each (only 4 are pictured because I let Joshua have one!)

I used:
CVS $5/$15 coupon
$2/2 Sure deodorant coupon
$2 Welch’s juice coupon
50 cents/3 Kleenex coupon
FREE hand sanitizer CVS coupon
8 ECBs and $1.07 cash
I got back 5 ECBs (for the juicy pop thingies) and will get a $2.99 REAL MONEY rebate back for the deodorant! Woohoo!

I also bought the Clear Care contact solution that was an ECB deal this week (got back 3 ECBs) and will be getting back a full $7.99 rebate for it. But I sent in my receipt for the rebate BEFORE I wrote down how much it cost me in ECBs and I can’t remember! But it was definitely a profit with the $7.99 rebate!

Then, Thursday I learned via a couponing message board that one of the CVS Monthly April ECB deals had started early! SoftSoap Spa Radiant body wash is $4.99 and already giving back $4.99 ECBs! So I ran right out and got this:


3 SoftSoap body washes at $4.99 each
2 Glade sprays at $1.69 each
I used:
$5/$15 CVS coupon
$3/$15 beauty purchase CVS coupon
3 $1 off SoftSoap body wash coupons
2 $1 off Glade Spray coupons (found these inside my Parents magazine and my Gma’s Good Housekeeping!)
5 ECBs and 73 cents cash
I got back $15.97 in ECBs!!!!!!!!! Not too shabby eh??? I LOVE CVS!

I also got a GREAT deal at Meijer this week on Lysol products! Thanks to two friends, Andrea and Karen for making this happen! Andrea tipped me off about the Meijer 1/2 off Lysol sale and Karen, my favorite enabler provided all the coupons! So, I got all this:


18 canisters of Lysol Wipes, 4 Lysol toilet bowl cleaners, and 4 boxes of pizza rolls for $7.20 including tax! The pizza rolls were FREE with doubled coupons, the toilet bowl cleaner was 4 CENTS and the wipes were 29 CENTS because I had $1 off coupons for each one sent to me by the wonderful, smart, talented, KAREN! Yippee!! Now my family and I are all stocked up on these Lysol products for a looong time! When I first realized that couponing could be a real way for me to give to others, I asked my sister-in-law what kind of household products she would most want if I could get them for free or ultra-cheap. Lysol wipes were what she requested and I was really happy to be able to hand her a big bag full of them!

So, even though I thught this week was going to be a bummer, it ended up being a great week of savings and freebies! In addition to all the above, I also got 7 bags of BirdsEye vegetables FREE after coupons and promotion at Kroger, and a Venus Embrace razor, free plus overage at Walgreens after rebate, coupon, and a $5 Register Reward! I only paid $8.69 after coupon for the razor including tax, and got not only the $5 Register Reward but will also get back a full $9.99 rebate plus 10% extra on my Walgreens gift card! Now that’s what I’m talking about!

For more great deals and tales from couponers, check out Super Savings Saturday over at Money Saving Mom, our savings guru! If you haven’t purchased her Supermarket Savings 101 course yet, go for it!! That’s how I got started saving all this moolah. You can check it out or purchase it here!

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12 Replies to “Why Pay Retail When You Can Pay FREEtail??”

  1. Karen,

    If you would rather not contribute to Jenny’s habit, then I will be happy to take those coupons off of your hands.

    You won’t have to feel guilty anymore.


    bad news: it’s 40 minutes away.

    did get 5 tubes of toothpaste and a bar of johnsons kid soap for $5 CVS coupon and $10.98 ECBs. I got $`14.95 ECBs back on that transaction.

  3. Oh my gosh…I am so jealous of all those Lysol products. Is that sale still going on? That is awesome. I so need to make time to figure this thing out.
    By the way. We love the glade candles. Thank you!!!

  4. HHHHHEEEEYYYY! That’s where all the Lysol wipes went to! They were all out at Meijers when I was there! 😉

  5. “Now that’s what I’m talking about! ”

    You said it, Sister! That is an amazing week. I was just about to warn you that those Lysol wipes might dry out before you get a chance to use them but I see you share the spoils with your SIL. Nice work! 🙂

  6. Darn….Nearest CVS is 26 miles away.

    I am new to coupons and am trying to learn as quickly as possible. Are any of the Competing B&M Pharmacies as good as CVS?

    We Have Rite Aids and Walgreens close by.

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