A Brief Lesson in Feline Anatomy & Physiology

In lieu of candy in Sophie’s Easter basket, I got her an Elmo’s World DVD about pets (at CVS for FREEE-99 what what!?). It has a story specifically about cats, about dogs, and about pets in general. Joshua also has been really enjoying it, as we have a cat ourselves, whom he really loves. Up until a few weeks ago we also had another cat, Molly, but we recently gave her away to a good friend, as Bobby is allergic and we have been trying to find a good home for both our cats for awhile. Although Joshua did really well saying goodbye to Molly, he misses her and has been talking about her a lot. Yesterday afternoon the kids watched the Elmo video about cats and then we went to run some errands. As we were driving down the road, Joshua began giving me a rundown of Molly the cat’s physical atrributes. Here’s what he had to say:

Joshua: Molly is a cat, and she is black. (She is actually brown with black stripes. Just so ya know.) She has long ears, and soft fur, and the color of her pee-pee is black. And, um…I’m not sure what color her pooping thing is.

Me: (Cracking up) What??

Joshua: I don’t know what color the thing she poops out of is. What’s so funny?

Me: (Still about to run off the road I’m laughing so hard) Um..I just think it’s funny that you are thinking about Molly pooping.

Joshua: Well, Mommy, cats do poop. Why are you still aughing?

Me: Because you’re funny!

Joshua: I’m glad you think I’m funny. You’re still laughing.

Me: I know. I’ll stop.


Joshua: You’re laughing again!

This went on for awhile…I would sober up for about 15 seconds and then just giggle again…the Joshua started giggling back and we had a great time.

I am quite sure Joshua has never seen our cats in the act of pooping, and the Elmo video certainly doesn’t feature any fecal adventures, so I don’t know where this came from…but I’m glad Joshua gave me a peek inside his analytical little brain! It was just too funny…maybe he’ll be a veterinarian!

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5 Replies to “A Brief Lesson in Feline Anatomy & Physiology”

  1. Oh Joshua….how you do keep us guessing. And as the ‘good friend’ who now owns Molly, you can come see her anytime!!!!

  2. I had to check our cat (also brown with black stripes) and sure enough, the color of his pee-pee is black! That is, the fur *around* that area is black. I didn’t actually see his pee-pee. He keeps that tucked away….THANKFULLY!

    And, sorry, but there is just something inherently wrong about getting a cat video for two kids who have to surrender their cats. HA HA HA HA

  3. isn’t molly a GIRL. therefore, how can Joshua see HER pee pee thing?

    At least cats are more discreet. I have had to field some questions regarding our dog that I wish I didn’t have to answer.

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