Commence Freaking Out in 5…4…3…2…

You’ll have to excuse me and Jenny for the next few days if we seem even crazier than normal (are you scared yet?), because next week…

Our babies start kindergarten.

I’m not sure how it happened, because really it was not very long ago that they looked like this:
kate and joshua babies

They’ve grown so much since then, and even though Jenny and I (ok, mostly Jenny) are bound to be a nostalgic, weepy mess in the coming days, we are both so, so proud of these two kids. We are so thankful that we’ve had the opportunity to watch them learn and grow in the last five and a half years.

And we are absolutely confident that they are ready for the next step of their journey.


Those two? They will do great.

The two of us? That remains to be seen.

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18 Replies to “Commence Freaking Out in 5…4…3…2…”

  1. Just wait til they start high school and you realize you only have 3 more “first days”. I don’t understand how it goes so quickly. Tommorrow they will be walking off to the first day of school without you.

  2. {wipe tear} How awesome that you guys are so close and that you have kids so close!! I am so envious – oh wait that might me Sophie and Evan in a few more years! AGHHH I am already dreading that first day and it is 3 more years away!!

  3. Such darling little kids!! Pablo and Mallory started 1st grade a few weeks ago. It sure doesn’t seem that long ago that they were tiny babies – they’re turning 6 in about two weeks! And Pablo had that same blue Eric Carle sleeper – Mallory had the matching pink one!

  4. First of all…they grow up…enjoy each phase…there are always things there to make you smile.

    Secondly, Reality good, Margarita bad!!!

    Eschew Jose Cuervo!


  5. awww….Cousins living nearby and close in age are a beautiful thing. I wish B would have more of that. Her local cousins are so much older than her….


    I’m right there with you, with Lucy starting on Tuesday. They say you cry with your first and your last… I only have 2 so I’m screwed.

  7. I agree with Maria ( your first commenter) I was a bit freaked when Giggles started High school. Glad our district has a jacked up calendar for the year and The Chicken won’t start middle school for another week and a few days (they start 2 wks apart)

  8. oh you poor things.
    my baby started k last year and i freaked out for weeks. putting that teeny-tiny girl on that big, big bus was one of the hardest things i’ve ever done!
    and this year, she will be gone all day! ACK!

  9. Awww! Congrats to the new kindergarteners. That is so cool. They and both of you will be great.

    My baby girl turned 20yo a couple weeks ago. Time really does fly.

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