Baby, Don’t Go

the cuteness!

Last night we went to a parent’s meeting and open house at Joshua’s school. It is the same school Bobby and I went to, but it’s in a different location now. The building houses K-12 and it’s ginormous. I am fairly sure it will take ME all year to learn how to get from Joshua’s classroom to the parking lot. I am sure Joshua will pick it up much quicker than I.

The meeting was great, but still, at the end, I texted Emily, “I don’t wanna have a kindergartener!”

I don’t want my little boy to be this BIG.

Several times that night, Joshua said to Bobby and I, “I’m really afraid you’re going to leave me here.” He meant right then – and we assured him we weren’t going to leave him there…until Tuesday. Then, we are definitely leaving him there. It about killed me.

Joshua met his teacher, found his desk and his cubbie, and as soon as we walked in, saw his friend Ethan that will be in his class. He met a couple of other kids who will be in the class too, and we walked alllll the way around the room and Bobby and I made him look at ev-ree-thing. Then, since he’d humored us for so long, we let him play on the school playground for awhile. This was, of course, his favorite part.

He left at the end of the night happy and confident, and I can only hope he can summon up the same courage for Tuesday, when Bobby and I will, indeed, have to leave him there. All day.

I know I am going to need a heavy dose of it as well.

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9 Replies to “Baby, Don’t Go”

  1. Good luck!! Ashlyn still has two weeks until she starts, but I’m already freaking out. I had a nightmare that I forgot to send a lunch with her (can you tell the full day thing is stressing me?) They’ll all be fine…we, on the other hand may never get over it!!!!! 😉

  2. Welcome to my world — I’m a single mom by choice, but that means I’ve had NO choice but to drop my baby off somewhere for 10 hours a day since she was 8 months old. I think in some ways it has to be easier when they’re five and ready to conquer the world. He’ll be fine — don’t worry!

  3. Okay, I **almost** cried jsut reading your post. My little one starts on the 31st. She is only going to preschool, but it is at the same school she will be attending until 8th grade! Good Luck on Tuesday and here’s hoping your school offers a boo-hoo brunch for you!!

  4. Good luck today! It is hard – my little boy started full day pre-k4 last Monday. The full day wasn’t hard since he was in full-day pre-k3 last year, but last year he was in a separate building just for pre-k3. This year he’s in the main building with ALL the other kids – up to 8th grade! He acted like it’s no big deal, but me? I worried about my little boy…

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