Tantrum of the Century

Joshua Kenneth, my sweet, easy-going child, is upstairs in his room screaming, “I WANNA SLEEP IN MOMMY’S BED!” over and over and over. He is on about minute twenty of this tantrum and Bobby and I are looking at each other and shaking our heads, like, “Who IS this kid?”

He had school today, a long day for a little guy, and was so out of sorts by 5:00 that I gave him a pre-dinner nap…which seemed to help…until bedtime.

My neck muscles are tensing. A vein is throbbing in Bobby’s forehead. Joshua is undoubtedly going hoarse. I just really hope he doesn’t make himself puke.

‘Cause we had pizza for dinner. And I do NOT feel like cleaning that up.

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4 Replies to “Tantrum of the Century”

  1. Oh, that bites. I had that with my five year old yesterday at hockey practice which he and his older brother go to. He cried for an hour before we left and all the way home. It was a nightmare, so I understand wanting to pull your hair out! He had not been feeling well so I gave him some cold meds and sent him to bed. He woke up his sweet self.

  2. Mitchell had a breakdown today too. I think its the school thing. They’re getting overly tired. Thats my theory at least. Good luck!

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