Hurricane Preparation Checklist

To all our friends in Galveston and the surrounding areas, we HOPE you have gotten the heck out of dodge! But if you’re in Houston or thereabouts and are getting ready to ride Ike out, here’s a Hurricane Survival Checklist for you (courtesy of an email forward from my friend Andrea):

Hurricane Survival Kit

Toilet Paper…………………………check
Bud Light……………………………check
Keystone Ice………………………check
Red Dog……………………………check
Misc. other bottles of alcohol

Piece of plywood to float your old lady and booze on……………………check (Priceless!)


Stay safe and BE PREPARED! 🙂
All jokes aside, we are praying for you!

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8 Replies to “Hurricane Preparation Checklist”

  1. Funny picture! :0 Sometimes we might need a little laughter in our lives.

    Our thoughts are with the people who are going through a tremendously tough experience. Stay safe!

  2. How did you get a picture of me? lol… We are just north of Houston, and so tired of hearing about hurricane Ike, I just wish it would get here already! Thanks for the humor, I needed that!

  3. Sister, RESPECT the beverages.

    Ah ha ha ha ha

    It is hard, hot, sweaty work pushing your old lady around on a floating door. Maybe Leonardo could’ve survived if that stupid Kate Winslet had just had some Bud Light to offer him. Guess we’ll never know.

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