You could deep fry this fork and I’d eat it.

The title of this post is a direct quote from my friend Gina, said years ago as we enjoyed some sort of breaded delicacy in our university dining hall. Apparently, though, she is not alone (nor was she then – I know we all nodded our heads in agreement at the time) because at our local festival last weekend, forks seemed to be the only things that weren’t deep fried.

Case in point:

Yes, that’s deep fried oreos, deep fried snickers, deep fried twinkies and deep fried buckeyes.

At this (extremely small) festival, in addition to the regular fried stuff – corn dogs, chicken strips, Texas tenderloins, french fries, etc. – and the random stuff in the picture above, I saw deep fried pickles (ok I had some of those and they were delicious), deep fried bananas and deep fried apples. The latter two could be ordered “deluxe” and topped with ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate and caramel sauce, nuts and a cherry.

Obesity crisis? Nah.

(Who am I kidding, the apples with all that junk on them looked freaking amazing.)

What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen deep fried? And fess up – did you try it?

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12 Replies to “You could deep fry this fork and I’d eat it.”

  1. Well, I had deep fried turkey once. It was ok, but it would’ve been better if it hadn’t been the main course at a super-trashy wedding reception. Yeeikes!

  2. I may vomit now that I am thinking about it this early in the morning. I honestly thing that this stuff is just a HEART ATTACK waiting to happen. What kind of sick person just woke up one morning and was like YUP I think I shall throw an oreo in a thing of fried grease. YUCK. Who knows maybe it is a taste of heaven but I can’t stomach it. There is just something wrong with it. I do have to say I always thought that there was something wrong with fried pickles and I crave them now. OMG I love them…Not so sure how it would fit in with my life after since after no galbladder but it sounds really good.

  3. Well see if I invite you to my next wedding, Jenny! And btw, that statement still holds true.

    P.S. Making the blog MAKES my day!

    1. Gina, you are super famous. AND at your next wedding, please live up to the WT affair I attended and have the reception in your mom’s backyard with a wooden deck w/ a blue tarp for a roof, a junk pile, and a garage w/ a pool table and a rebel flag to cut the cake in, MMKAY?

  4. I love fried foods! The Gwinnett County Fair here in Georgia had “deep fried butter on a stick”…no kidding!

    Paula Dean and Julia Child would be so impressed!


  5. I have never tried any weird type of things deep fried in fact I barely eat any fried foods at all (maybe 1x a year?).

    But what I want to know is can you really eat buckeyes?

    I haven’t seen one of those in ages (since I was a little kid) but I was never aware that you could eat them. I just remember they had like a prickly shell that was fun to take off.

  6. Every year at The State Fair of Texas, we have something weird that is fried. Last year it was fried butter. This year it is fried bubble gum. Eww. I have no desire to try either! šŸ™‚

  7. The MN state fair has so many fried things it is unbelievable. We have had deep fried candy bars for a long time they are great that is what I go there to get every year. They have deep fried corn on the cob (my husband tried that) deep fried pickles (we were going to try but the line was sooooo long it was ridiculous) oh and we tried the deep fried cheesecake (I prefer mine cold) Oh and I also really like veggie fried (battered and deep fried veggies) We also have deep fried scotch eggs with the pancake as a batter.

  8. Here in Alabama you can get deep fried turkey or pickle chips all kinds of places – and both are delicious! šŸ™‚
    I was recently introduced to fried ravioli which is absolutely delicious!

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