My name is Jonah

Hi, my name is Jonah. I am nine months old.  Even though neither of my siblings dared to pull up or cruise at this age, I enjoy it immensely.  Mostly I enjoy making my mommy work double-time, but also it’s just FUN!

It’s fun to pull up on the end table:

(and don’t my Mommy’s floors look nice and clean?  She is trying to keep me from putting pine needles and dirt in my mouth!  Which is kind of a bummer because I love them. And also Capri Sun straw wrappers left for me by my big brother and sister. YUM!  Geez, the older I get the more I am realizing that my Mommy is kind of a buzz kill.)

I also like to pull up on the bathtub:

I like to try to pull up on Joshua’s box of cars, too!  It’s fun having big siblings, it provides you with some unique pulling-upportunities.

(And yes, I am wearing shoes with no pants.  You see, my 2nd favorite pasttime – after pulling up – is trying to roll over while Mommy changes my diaper and dresses me.  Sometimes at the end of the day, she will just give up and leave me pantsless.  Since I prefer to be pantsless, I try to give her as much trouble at diaper-changing time as I possibly can.)

But anyhoo – what I really love to pull up on is my diaper pail.  Even though it’s not that tall, it’s full of stinky diapers and the potential for tipping it over is just too tempting!

Mommy dropped a clean diaper on the floor and I got it!! I was really proud. I also wanted to know what it tasted like.

It didn’t taste very good, but it was fun watching  my Mommy run over to get it out of my mouth.  After she took the picture, of course.

Tonight, the coffee table got the best of me.  But I recovered pretty quickly.  Battle scars!! It’s all worth it!  My goal is to be walking by 10.5 months, because that’ll REALLY freak my mom out!

I’ll keep you posted on how it’s going!

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9 Replies to “My name is Jonah”

  1. See, my kid is so the opposite. Her fine motor and language were always way advanced, gross motor way delayed. Like me and my pediatric physical therapist mother are about to start rehabing her and she decides to walk the next day. Molly is combo of smart and stubborn that has resulted in the theory that if she can get her grandma to do it for her, why on earth would should get up and do it herself? Wonder where she gets that from?

  2. Sounds just like Lily! Just wait, soon he will be putting his foot up on the tub to try to get in the bath with you. Love him.

  3. My daughter is not even 8 months and is already cruising. I’m freaking out – this is my first one. I didnt expect for her to do this already… Its fun to read your blogs since my daughter is so close in age to Jonah…Good luck!

  4. They are so much fun at this age! My oldest was walking by 9 months, so I totally know what you are going through! That was 32 yrs ago though! Now I get to watch him and my other four go through all this!LOL! Most of all, have fun. Enjoy this time with them, it goes all too fast.

  5. My niece is doing the same things. She’ll be 10 months old in 10 days and I’m sure she’ll be walking very soon. Things are about to get really fun around these parts. 🙂

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