Easter or something like it

Yesterday we had sort of an untraditional Easter.  First, we committed sacrilege by attending church on Saturday night instead of Sunday morning. Now, we do this every week as our church has a Saturday night service, but it did feel a little odd not to be going on Easter Sunday. It did, however, feel veeery nice not have to run around Easter morning to get ready for church!  Instead we had time for a little egg hunt in the house.  The big kids enjoyed it very much.  It started at 7:30 a.m. when they bounded out of bed and downstairs like a herd of wild donkeys, and ended about two minutes later. (I only hid 16 eggs total.  Do I need my kids hopped up on sugar for the next three weeks? NO, I do not!)

Later in the afternoon, we headed over to my Grandma’s house for a late lunch. It was kind of weird because my parents took off for their “second home” in Virginia last week, and my brother and his family joined them.  Since the last thing my other brother wants to do is spend Easter with his favorite sister (and procurer of his razors and deodorant, I might add), they spent Easter with just my sister-in-law’s family.  So there was a very small crowd at my Grandma’s.  Nevertheless, my children were very entertaining and adorable.  Even though this was the best picture I could get of them:

We did get some super-fun playtime in with Jonah at my Grandma’s as well. Her coffee table is the perfect height for a game of ball! You want to watch this, it’s 15 seconds of ADORBS!

Finally, we left my Grandma Brads’ house and headed for my Grandma Burns’. The other weird thing about Easter is that we weren’t having a big meal there, since there really weren’t even enough people to cook for. So we just had dessert, which was excellent. I had great fun hanging out with my favorite cousin Anna, since her sister (whose name starts with an E and ends with a y and has an mil in between), who was formerly tied for favorite cousin, had better things to do than to join us. Her text message on the subject said, and I quote, “I was napping”. PLEASE!

{Side note: Don’t worry Mackenzie and Shelby, you are still tied for favorite cousin on the Brads side.  But let’s just keep that betwixt us, if Donovan finds out I’m afraid he’ll have a hard time finding something to live for.}

So, Easter was a wee bit weird, BUT!  We made it work, we spent time with what family deigned to be around us, and most importantly, we remembered that the grave couldn’t hold Jesus. Can I get a WHAT WHAT!?

That was our Easter! How was yours?

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4 Replies to “Easter or something like it”

  1. Now I don’t feel so bad about the meager Easter pics I managed to procure of my own children… 🙂 Just when my seven year old got to the point where I could get her to stop and smile for a couple of seconds I went and had another baby to throw in to the mix!

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