13 Replies to “So I think we might do it.”

  1. oh yay, I’ll never have a shortage of post topics where I can make fun of you. Just wait til after our Miami trip so you aren’t covered in dog hair the whole time we’re there. Because that stuff breeds and multiplies and I’ll probably end up covered in it too, hundreds of miles away from your DUMB DOG.
    Don’t do it!

  2. However, I did meet a wonderful goldendoodle yesterday… that could pursuade me to go back to the dark side…

  3. Long time reader, never commented…..until this. I read your post a while back about to get or not to get a dog and we were in the same boat. And then I read the post about all the reasons to not get a dog and I was ON BOARD with just saying no to Fido. Right after reading that post, I was ranting all my reasons to not get a dog to my hubby on our way to the mall and he grudgingly agreed. And then we walked out of the mall (in particular Fetch) with a puppy in our arms. Are you fa-reaking kidding me?! And now I am here to warn you from the dark side, DO NOT GET THE DOG. Dollar upon dollar upon dollar has been poured into this dog and the only thing I’ve gotten in return is hair all over my used-to-be clean house and poop all over the back yard where my children run. I’m up to my ears in poop bags. Don’t do it. Please. They lied; the dark side does not have cookies.

  4. Don’t do it unless you and everyone in your entire household is a 100% sold-out animal lover. Otherwise you will REGRET it! My hubby and daughter are big dog fans and I really do like the pug that we have, but I am in no way in love with the dog. I will pet the dog and feed the dog and give it treats and laugh when it does something funny but I have no desire to roll around on the ground with the dog or smother it with affection or take it everywhere I go. I made it clear to my husband prior to the acquisition of the dog that I in no way was going to be responsible for dog poop or dog vomit or any other whatever that comes out of the dog! For the most part I have avoided all that but there have still been occasions when I have had to be the one to deal with said poop and vomit. And there is no way for me to avoid dealing with the constant hair! Ugh!
    Also, don’t get a dog that needs to be groomed regularly unless you happen to like coordinating visits to the groomer and dropping mega cash for the dog’s hair to look good. I know this from experience with our previous dog… that dog got it’s hair cut more than I did, I think!

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