I pledge allegiance to my bathrobe

warm and fuzzy goodness
warm and fuzzy goodness

File this under the “Jenny is a wimp” category. I guess I need to make that category.


I am so, so, so done with winter. It’s freezing in my big old drafty house. And, outside of course. I try not to venture outside if I don’t have to, though, BECAUSE DID I MENTION IT’S FREAKING COLD?

If I don’t already have my bathrobe on over my clothes (yes, I do still have enough dignity to get dressed. Most days.), it goes on as soon as the sun goes down. I need its warm, fuzzy, goodness to remind me that winter will not last forever.

This season is making me want to go to bed at 7 p.m. every night. It’s making my temper short and my muscles tight and my nerves frayed. I’m tired of heavy coats and boots and having to warm the car up before I can pack the kiddos into it. I’m tired of dark before dinner and snotty noses and stomach flu and everything else that comes with these deplorable temperatures.

I need some of those happy sunshine lights that make people not go crazy or I’m aboutta go groundhog hunting with my car.

The only thing I really enjoy about winter is having an excuse to wear this hat in public:

Don't act like you're not jealous.
Don’t act like you’re not jealous.

But even THAT no longer brings me joy.

I want to put my bathrobe on, get in bed, and wake up in mid-April.

Who’s with me? Down with winter! What do we want? SPRING! When do we want it?  NOW!

What would we settle for? HIBERNATION!

Who’s with me?


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6 Replies to “I pledge allegiance to my bathrobe”

  1. I don’t think I’ve ever looked forward to losing an hour of sleep more than I am now looking forward to the day we change clocks… Marcy 10th. I never see the sunlight because I leave way too early in the morning… but having the extra hour of light at the end of the day will be GLORIOUS! Hopefully we will have more tolerable weather as well.

    On a side note, Greg was in ALASKA last week and the temperature WAS THE SAME HERE, except for when he came back to Ohio on Sunday when it was ACTUALLY COLDER HERE! It’s a fact… Ohio is worse than the tundra.

  2. My 2 yr old saw your picture and said “That’s funny!” :o) I am so ready for Spring and warmer weather!

    1. I have often been tempted to get a UV lamp for dreary OH winters! I think you should get someone to let you review one and then get a group discount for your readers! :o)

  3. I’m with ya! I AM SO OVER WINTER! It makes me tired, lazy and cranky. I’m ready for parks & flip flops. Bring on some warm weather!

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