Olympaholics Unanimous

olympic rings

As Emily and I have written before, we love the Olympics. We love the Games unconditionally. I love them as if they were a child I only got to see every two years. When they are here for a visit, I want NOTHING MORE than to spend time with them. Than to sit at their feet and look upon them with wonder. Figure skating? YES. Luge? Uh-HUH! Skiing? Hellzyeah. Ski JUMPING? Bring it on! Snowboarding? Yes, please! Curling? WHY THE HECK NOT?

I. Love it. ALL.

The Olympics are a FUN 2.5 weeks for me. But they are also an emotional couple of weeks. I mean, the Olympics are ALWAYS full of high drama and so far Sochi 2014 is no exception! The competition has already been intense, and skiiers especially are dropping like FLIES from injury. Also? There is a 15-year-old Russian figure skater who can do jumps with both ankles behind her neck. Have you SEEN this girl? Jeezy-flippin’-petes!! The Olympics have already got me running the gamut of emotions, and since I, unlike Russian President Vladimir Putin, am able to change my facial expression to express these emotions, I thought I’d share a few with you. Each night after I put on my patriotic face paint, turn on NBC, and cuddle up with my favorite blankey, you may find me looking like this, depending on what’s happening during the Olympic broadcast:

olympic intense face

Or this:

olympic nervous face

Or possibly, this:

olympic shocked face

And 100% chance of this every night so far:

olympic grossed out face

Seriously, why haven’t antiobiotics taken CARE of that mess yet? Holy yikers! Did he accidentally watch his face with some Sochi water? Eeep!

In any case, I am ob-sessssed with ye olde games per usual this time around. So far I’ve loved our TOTALLY STOKED snowboarders and the team figure-skating event the most. What’s your favorite event so far, and what are you most looking forward to? I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE THE WOMEN’S SKI JUMPING!!! (Did I just yell that?) Tell me all about your Olympic obsession!

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4 Replies to “Olympaholics Unanimous”

  1. “since I, unlike Russian President Vladimir Putin, am able to change my facial expression to express these emotions ”

    I Lol’d, outloud. What is his deal. I’m fairly certain he is 100% made of wax. But don’t tell him I said that (I’m looking at you NSA!), I don’t want the russian mafia after me.

  2. I also L-O-V-E some Olympics. My husband completely does not get it. I love the opening ceremonies and seeing how many people each country sends and the bonus stories they tell about some of the random athletes – like the bricklayer skier from Nepal? Totally fascinates me.
    The young girl in me still loves the figure skating, but now I also love the biathlon, bobsled, and snowboarding. The only thing that doesn’t seem to hook me in is the speedskating. I don’t know why, but that is just not fun to me…

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