After seven months, Jenny and I have decided to lay Pin for the Wednesdays to rest. We’ve had fun with it and we’ve really enjoyed seeing the winning pins that have been shared, but it’s becoming a chore for us to keep up with and – let’s face it – it hasn’t really caught on like wildfire. We’re still active on Pinterest and odds are we’ll post about it from time to time, and if you post winning pins on your blog, let us know – we’ll pimp out your post! I’ll also put up a linky here in case any of you have a post ready this week.

Thanks to all of you who have played along over the months, and all the rest of you who have put up with our nonsense. xoxo

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4 Replies to “RIP PinFTW”

    1. My interest in Pinterest has waned. One of the many things I’ve learned in blogging is the posts I slave over and think are going to wow everyone are usually duds and are over shadowed by the ones I rip off in a few minutes.

      Go figya!


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