Is Hobo Chic?

Because I think I’ve let myself go.

Seriously, y’all, having three childrenz is running me ragged. Not to mention this whole hand/arm injury I’ve got going on.  I’m supposed to start physical therapy for that, but my doctor’s office accidentally referred me to a hand surgeon instead of a physical therapist. Uhhh… now I gottamakeabunchofphonecalls to clear that up, and I haven’t had the time.  Because I never have the time.

But anyhoo.

Has anyone seen me lately?  Or is this me now?  Hair au natural (hurts my arm to do my hair), 20 pounds heavier, lucky if I get my makeup on twice a week.

I guess I just need to be patient.  Get this injury healed so I can exercise. And use my flatiron on my hair. And so I can wear some clothes that don’t make me look like a homeless person.

But it’s more than just that.  I’m so BUSY I can hardly sit down.  I haven’t got time to read other blogs, let alone be an actual good friend to the real people that are in my everyday life.  Pretty much all I can figure out how to do right now is parent.  Nurse, preschool pick-up, play, teach, clean-up, and make peanut butter crackers.

Jill told me since I have a newborn, I have the right to look like a hobo for six months.  I hope that’s true. If it is, I guess I’ll see ya in June.  If I can find myself by then.

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17 Replies to “Is Hobo Chic?”

    1. Heh, UP I can always count on you to be just as supportive as I am. We keep it real for Jenny, don’t you think?

      1. Now see, compare this with Mackenzie’s comment and you can see why there is always a tight race for favorite cousin…we’ll see if Anna feel like competing today!!

  1. uh-oh! my youngest is 8 months…guess the hobo chic has got to go huh? 🙁 but its SO COMFY & I haven’t lost that 20lbs in order to fit into ‘real’ clothes….bc who has time to shop…especially for bigger sizes??

  2. I’ve got four under 7 and as I read this I am sitting at the bus stop in my car wearing PJ’s and a ponytail… I rock, lol! I get fancied up when it matters but right now it just doesn’t….

  3. Jenny, don’t be so hard on yourself! You just had a baby! Baby #3 for Pete’s sake!!!! AND you are injured. Right now you are going through a lot of transitions and with transition comes an adjustment period. Give it time. For what it’s worth, your hair looked great on Monday and you DID make time for your friends. Don’t sell yourself short and pray against feeling like you are in a funk. Love you!

  4. Jenny,

    It is sooo okay to look like a hobo. I have 3kids (6 yr and under) and my baby is turning 1. It is quite crazy with the preschool drop-off and pick up, K pickup and don’t forget the baby. Things do get easier. It was hard with the baby nursing, but when she started eating solid food, things got a little easier. Just the other night, was my 1st night of actually dressing up to go out with my hubby and no kids…sad I know

  5. Dear sweet Jenny, I don’t know who invented the myth (I blame Hollywood) that women are supposed to birth a child and immediately be perfect at everything. You are learning how to be a mother to three children, and it’s a process. Be gentle with yourself, and give it time. I found that when I had #3, we had to suspend all normal operations, and operate in our own time and space. It was a bit easier to do for us, because my oldest is only 4 and I had someone else to take her to and pick her up from preschool in the first 3 months. Can someone else take over things like laundry, dishes, and shopping until you ease into the whole ‘mother of 3’ gig? Please, be kind to yourself?

  6. Other women will love you more if you appear ragged and hobo-like. Just think, don’t you just want to S-T-A-B the women in Tar-zhay with small children who look amazing, thin, and fashionable–not schlepping around their massive coupon binder or bearing pained angst at their kids’ wake of destruction? I know I do. Maybe stab is too strong a word . . . but you know what I mean.

  7. I can’t tell you how often i go out in glorified pjs. I call them yoga pants but we all know what they are. P.s. to clarify you get 6 mos. for each child you have. Which gives you a year and a half with the third. i say that because Silas isn’t 1 1/2 yet and I am still rocking the hobo.

  8. I think every mom has been there, even the ones that look like they have it together. Just do your best and all of the new schedules will smooth themselves out soon. Having three and finding yourself is doable – I promise. It just takes time. 🙂

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